Sussex2030 CU2176

Sarah Run by Driscoll Drone


Jan. 7th, 2020 - Sussex Council Voted 'NO!'

Thanks to all who have pulled and pushed, cheered and cleared the way, we finally heard the Council say, 'No!'

It was not much assured of, though hoped for, and received with much relief.

Many residents are now looking ahead. We know one is down and behind, but there will be many more. So, please watch and support us as we move forward.

The YouTuve video was created from the County's audio archive from 08:30 - 18:50 at

The caption below is from an automatic transcript of the video. (Click the arrow in a box to expand the file.)

Caption - CU 2176 Denied by Council 2020-01-07.docx

Sussex County students learn about government - Optimist Club sponsors trip to Georgetown

Ellen Driscoll - October 29, 2019

High school students interested in political science and law had a chance to see government in action during an Oct. 22 visit to Georgetown.

Sponsored by the Optimist Club of Sussex County, the third annual Youth Appreciation Day trip gave students an opportunity to meet with county leaders before the county council meeting.

During a session with council Vice President Irwin “I.G.” Burton III, councilmen John Rieley and Doug Hudson, County Administrator Todd Lawson, County Attorney Everett Moore and County Finance Director Gina Jennings, students also witnessed residents protest a proposed 7-Eleven at the intersection of Route 24.

After a lunch at The Counting House, students spent the afternoon watching trials in the Court of Common Pleas.

Local students participating included Riley Klopp, Cape; Nick Marchetti, Isabel Alley and Tyler Kramer, Indian River; Neyda Velasquez Moraies and Maria Manjarvez, Sussex Central; and William Clouser and Caroline Carter, Sussex Tech. 

What is CU2176?

CU 2176 is the application number submitted for a Conditional Use (CU) Permit in Sussex County, DE, to grant the land use of 3.5 acres in AR-1 zone in Coastal Areas, to build a large fueling station and 7-Eleven, at the corner of Angola Rd and Rt 24 in Angola Area.

Online Zoning Packet (Page 1-412)

History of CU2176 (& CZ1855)

Was Filed as C-3 Heavy Commercial Zoning Change in 2018 as CZ 1855

This is 'essentially the same application' as the C-3 Zoning Change application of 2018. 

P&Z Recommended Approval of CZ1855 on 9/13/2018

At their meeting on September 13, 2018, the Planning Commission discussed the application, which has been deferred since August 23, 2018. 

(pg 9-10 of )

(pg 10-11 of )

Ms. Cornwell advised the Commission that submitted into the record were a staff analysis, site plan, an exhibit booklet, comments from the Sussex Conservation District, Sussex County Engineering Department Utility Planning Division, results from a DelDOT Service Elevation, which did not require a TIS.

Sussex Council Denied CZ1855 on 12/11/2018

The County Council held a public hearing on September 25, 2018. Council deferred action for questions of DelDOT. DelDOT has responded to Councils’ questions, and it was denied on 12/11/2018 by Sussex Council.

Audio Archive of vote - 0:00 to 8:50 of

Why Oppose It?

There are many problems with this application. Summary of problems are listed below.

Conditional Use should NOT be for a large fueling station:

Conditional Use in AR-1 is often permitted for small home-based businesses with limited hours of operation that do not generate much traffic - not for 24/365 operation.

Drinking Water Source in Danger:

Potential contamination to the adjacent 117-acre Wellhead Protection Area will affect thousands of residents, if the unthinkable should happen.

Environmental Concerns:

This site is located in Coastal Areas, formerly known as Environmentally Sensitive Developing Areas, that allows development 'provided special environmental concerns are addressed.'

On the edge of this site runs Sarah Run that runs to Burton Prong, to Herring Creek and then to the Inland Bay.

Traffic Havoc:

This large fueling station with 16 gasoline pumps and 4 diesel pumps on a separate canopy will bring unnecessary extra traffic to the area. Aren't diesel pumps for trucks and trailers? Large vehicles, that may travel on Rt 24 but not on Angola Rd, will all have to exit this site through Angola Rd, right near the Sarah Run culvert.

See DelDOT's January 2018 report of Henlopen Transportation Improvement District (TID), Existing Conditions Traffic Analysis :

Angola Rd and Rt 24 intersection received "F" for AM traffic and "E" for PM traffic! Only 2 of 62 intersections studied fared worse.

This 24/7 operation does not fit with Conditional Use.