Perimeter Buffer Review

Council Hearing - 6/11/2024, Tuesday, 1:30 PM

P&Z Hearing Archives - Presentation and Comments

Presentation by Assistant Attorney and P&Z Director

Comments by SPC - Borrasso, Hicks and Sinclair

Comments by Anderheggen

Comments by David Hutt

Comments by Builders Association

P&Z Chair Comments about SPC Presentation

Ordinance Draft Introduction 3/19/2024

Perimeter Buffer Ordinance Draft.pdf

Perimeter Buffer Review Update - 2/20/2024

The County Administrator and P&Z presented the update to the Council. This may be the last review before the draft ordinance is introduced.

Click to watch the presentation.

Click on the box with an arrow to see the presentation slides.

County Council Presentation - Perimeter Buffer - 2.20.2024.v2.pdf

Perimeter Buffer Review - 12/12/2023

On 12/12/2023, the County Administrator and P&Z presented the summary of their review. This process caused many questions and comments from the Council and lasted over an hour. This day's whole meeting, which lasted over 4vhours, has been recorded and archived by the County, as they always do, but it runs into Media Error at about 1:42:45. I recorded this review part in 2 videos - one before the Media Error and one after.

Presentation Slides 

County Council Presentation - Perimeter Buffer - 12.12.2023.pdf