Excellent Groundwater Recharge Area - NOT Delineated

Excellent Groundwater Recharge Area Not Delineated

According to the Sussex Code Chapter 89 Source Water Protection:

§ 89-8 Boundary determination for wellhead protection areas and excellent groundwater recharge areas.

A. All subdivision and land development plans depicting development or land disturbance (excluding agricultural tillage) submitted for County review shall be evaluated for the existence of wellhead protection areas and excellent groundwater recharge areas by scaling for distances shown on the Sussex County Water Resource Protection Maps as referenced in § 89-5 above.

(1) If existing on the parcel, then the boundaries of all wellhead protection areas and excellent groundwater recharge areas shall be clearly delineated and noted on the plan by the applicant's engineer and/or surveyor.

Below is a clipping from the Sussex Code:

The Overbrook Town Center's PLUS Report

The 2008-10-02 PLUS report for the Overbrook Town Center shows the Excellent Groundwater Recharge Area, but it is not delineated in the Chappell Farm application.

Since the proposal is to build a gas station (with underground storage tanks), the study of the area's water impact should be required.

From CU2201 Sun Leisure Application Presentation

This was another application presented on the same day as the Chappell Farm hearing. By comparison, this application showed the Wellhead Protection Areas.