DelDOT Contact:

Kyle Edwards, DelDOT Archaeologist,

Interestingly, DelDOT is involved with Historic Preservation. An email from DelDOT said the following:

"The Delaware Department of Transportation's Environmental Studies Department has posted new Cultural Resource projects as of 01/01/2021. Please click on the link below to view the most recent additions.

Website Reports Content Disclaimer: DelDOT has edited the cultural resource documents on this website. The documents were edited to protect the location of archaeological sites, any culturally sensitive material, and all State Historic Preservation Office cultural resource forms. Section 304 of the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended in 1992, 36 CFR part 800.11 of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's "Protection of Historic Properties", Section 9(a) of the Archaeological Resource Protection Act, and Delaware's Archaeological Resources in the State (7Del. C. Ch.53) provide the legal authority for restricting access to information on the location and nature of archaeological resources. To obtain permission to receive the edited information from a document, please email Kyle Edwards, DelDOT Archaeologist, at who will request permission from the Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs."

How historic burial ground at Dickinson plantation was found; what’s next

"Archaeologist Wade Catts is thrilled by the just-announced discovery of a long-forgotten burial ground at the John Dickinson Plantation in Kent County.

“It’s a resurrection of a very important space, a space of remembrance and a sacred space. It’s very exciting to further a conversation with Delawareans,” he said.

“To hear from the descendant community will be an eye-opener. Nothing will make me happier than reuniting them with missing relatives.”

The Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs on Tuesday announced the discovery, following a search that began two years ago. Catts, as president at South River Heritage Consulting, coordinated the work for the state."