
press conferences

  • Urban Flooding of Greater Dhaka in a Changing Climate: Building Local Resilience to Disaster Risk. Presented at the Book and Bangladesh Development Series Report Launch, Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 2015.

  • The Cost of Adapting to Extreme Weather Events in a Changing Climate. Presented at the Bangladesh Development Series Report Launch, Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 2012.

  • The Impact of Sea Level Rise on Developing Countries: A Comparative Analysis. Presented at the Washington Legislators Forum on Climate Change: Advance in-depth briefing for journalists, Washington D.C., February 2007.


  • Serving the Society with Space Data: SDG7- Affordable and Clean energy. Presented at the Webinar organized by MIT Lab, July 2020.

  • Cyclones in a Changing Climate: The Case of Bangladesh. Presented at the Annual Workshop Organizing Decentralized Resilience in Critical Interdependent-infrastructure Systems and Processes, Washington, USA. June 2019.

  • The Socioeconomics of Fish Consumption and Child Health in Bangladesh. Presented at the 6th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Gothenburg, Sweden. June 2018.

  • Urban Flooding of Greater Dhaka in a Changing Climate: Building local Resilience to Disaster Risk. Presented at the Conference on Flood Disaster Management. Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. January 2018.

  • Coastal Zone Vulnerability and Climate Change: Visible & Not-So-Visible Threats. Keynote Address. Presented at the 9th Biennial Conference of Indian Society for Ecological Economics: Kerala. India. November 2017.

  • Minimizing Ecological damage from Road Improvement in Tropical Forests. Presented at the 9th Biennial Conference of Indian Society for Ecological Economics: Pre-Conference Workshop. Kerala. India. November 2017.

  • Aquatic salinization and Poor Communities in a Changing Climate: The Case of Coastal Bangladesh. Presented at the Conference on Innovative Technology of Watershed Ecological Engineering and Environmental Management and 20th Anniversary of PACE Association. Beijing, China. August 2017.

  • Minimizing Ecological damage from Road Improvement in Tropical Forests. Beijing, China. Presented at the 1st Annual Conference of the Chinese Association of Environmental and Resource Economics. August 2017.

  • Climate Change and Vulnerability Analysis: Critical Steps. Presented at the Technical Knowledge Exchange Workshop between Bangladesh and India on Vulnerability of Sundarbans in a Changing Climate, Kolkata, India, February, 2017.

  • Climate Change and Livelihood Threats in Coastal Bangladesh. Presented at the Technical Knowledge Exchange Workshop between Bangladesh and India on Vulnerability of Sundarbans in a Changing Climate, Kolkata, India, February, 2017.

  • An Environmental Detective Story: Uncovering the Visible and Not-so-Visible Threats to Climate Change. Presented at the World Bank, May 2016.

  • Urban Flooding of Greater Dhaka in a Changing Climate: Building Local Resilience to Disaster Risk. Presented at the World Bank. February 2016.

  • Climate Change and River Water Salinity in Coastal Bangladesh. Presented at the Ninth Biennial Rosenberg International Forum on Water Policy: Managing Water and Biodiversity in Humid Areas, Panama, January 2016.

  • Climate Change and Poverty: Lessons from Coastal Bangladesh. Presented at the 21st Annual Conference of The European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. Helsinki, Finland. June 2015.

  • Facing the Hungry Tide: Climate Change, Livelihood Threats and Household Responses in Coastal Bangladesh. Presented at the 21st Annual Conference of The European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. Helsinki, Finland. June 2015.

  • Vyāghranomics in Space and Time: Estimating Habitat Threats for Bengal, Indochinese, Malayan and Sumatran Tigers. Presented at the Fifth World Congress of Environment and Resource Economists, Istanbul, Turkey 2014.

  • River Salinity in Coastal Bangladesh in a Changing Climate. Presented at the Third International Salinity Forum, Riverside, California, June 2014.

  • Health Costs and Benefits of DDT Use in Malaria Control and Prevention. Presented at the 20th Annual Conference of The European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. Toulouse, France. June 2013.

  • Health Costs and Benefits of DDT Use in Malaria Control and Prevention. Presented at the 12th Annual International Conference on Health Economics, Management and Policy. Athens, Greece. June 2013.

  • Vulnerability of Kolkata Metropolitan Area to Increased Precipitation in a Changing Climate. Presented at American Association of Geographers. Annual Meetings. Los Angeles. April 2013.

  • Cyclones in a Changing Climate: The Case of Bangladesh. Presented at American Association of Geographers. Annual Meetings. Los Angeles. April 2013.

  • Economic Dynamics and Forest Clearing: A Spatial Econometric Analysis for Indonesia. Presented at the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Prague, June 2012.

  • Cyclones in a Changing Climate: The Case of Bangladesh. Presented at the George Washington University Conference on Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change in Low-Income Countries, Washington DC, May 2011.

  • Vulnerability of Bangladesh to Cyclones in a Changing Climate: Potential Damages and Adaptation Cost. Presented at the 10th Anniversary of the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics, Kathmandu, Nepal, December 2010.

  • Climate Change and the Future Impacts of Storm-Surge Disasters in Developing Countries. Presented at the 4th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Montreal, Canada, June 2010.

  • Vulnerability of Bangladesh to Cyclones in a Changing Climate: Potential Damages and Adaptation Cost. Presented at the Annual Bank Conferences on Development Economics, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2010.

  • Climate Change Impact and Adaptation in Kolkata Metropolitan Area. Presented at the Workshop on Impacts of Climate Change on Kolkata, Kolkata, India, May 2010.

  • Vulnerability of Bangladesh to Cyclones in a Changing Climate: Potential Damages and Adaptation Cost. Presented at the Round Table Discussion on Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change, Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 2010.

  • Sea-Level Rise and Storm Surges: A Comparative Analysis of Impacts in Developing Countries. Presented at the Global Meeting of the Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Study, Washington D.C., April, 2009.

  • The Impact of Sea Level Rise on Developing Countries: A Comparative Analysis. Presented at the 16th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Sweden, May, 2008.

  • The Impact of Sea Level Rise on Developing Countries: A Comparative Analysis. Presented at the International Monetary Fund, Washington D.C., May, 2007.

  • Sea Level Rise: Potential Impact on Developing Countries. Presented at the Conference on Climate Change and International Development: Impacts and Responses organized by Friends of the Earth, ActionAid International, Oxfam and others, Washington D.C., April, 2007.

  • Area-based Pollution Management: Criteria for Site Selection. Presented at the West Bengal Pollution Control Board, Kolkata, India, December 2006

  • Area-based Pollution Management: Criteria for Site Selection. Presented at the Gujarat Pollution Control Board, Ahmedabad, India, December 2006.

  • Environment during Growth: Accounting for Governance and Vulnerability. Presented at the 3rd World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Kyoto, Japan, July 2006.

  • Area-based Pollution Management: Framework for Cost Benefit Analysis. Presented at the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Delhi, India, June 2006.

  • Indoor Air Pollution: Human Exposure Measurement. Presented at the 9th Poverty Environment Partnership Meeting, Washington D.C., June, 2006.

  • Public Disclosure Programs in Developing Countries. Presented at the International Workshop of Environmental Performance disclosure in Developing Countries, Beijing, China, April 2006.

  • Indoor Air Quality of Poor families in Bangladesh. Presented at the Plenary Session of South Asian Network of Development and Environment Economics, Negombo, Sri Lanka, December 2005.

  • Pesticide Poisoning of Farm Workers: Implications of Blood Test Results from Vietnam. Presented at the Poster Session of the XVIIth IEA World Congress of Epidemiology, Bangkok, Thailand, August 2005.

  • Who Suffers from Indoor Air Pollution: Evidence from Bangladesh. Presented at the Poster Session of the XVIIth IEA World Congress of Epidemiology, Bangkok, Thailand, August 2005.

  • Indoor Air Quality for Poor Families: New Evidence from Bangladesh. Presented at the Clean Air Initiative-Asia Conference on Better Air Quality, Agra, India, December 2004.

  • Health Hazard- Indoor Air Pollution. Presented at the Poster Session of the Clean Air Initiative-Asia Conference on Better Air Quality, Agra, India, December 2004.

  • The Economics of Regional Poverty-Environment Programs: An Application for Lao PDR. Presented at the International Conference on Policy Modeling, Paris, France, June 2004.

  • Environment During Growth. Presented at the International Conference on Rules, International Economy and Growth, Rome, Italy, June 2004.

  • Incomplete Enforcement of pollution Regulation: Bargaining Power of Chinese factories. Presented at the 2nd World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Monterey, California, June 2002.

  • Greening Industry: New Roles for Communities, Markets, and Governments. Presented at the International Workshop on Public Information Disclosure, Nanjing, China, June 2001.

  • Asian Experience on Public Disclosure. Presented at the Workshop on Economic Instruments for Pollution Prevention and Control in India, Delhi, India, June 2001.

  • Greening Industry: New Roles for Communities, Markets, and Governments. Presented at the Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines, June 2001.

  • Greening Industry: Best Practice from Developing Country Experience. Presented at the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, India, March 2001.

  • Effectiveness of Environmental Inspection: A Case Study of Zhengjiang, China. Presented at the “Policy Reform and the Environment in China”, PACE 2000 Conference, Washington DC, September 2000.

  • Greening Industry: New Roles for Communities, Markets, and Governments. Presented at the American Chamber of Commerce of Trinidad and Tobago, Port of Spain, Trinidad, July 2000.

  • Capital Market Response to Environmental Performance in Developing Countries. Presented at the Ministry of Environment & Secretariat of Korea-World Bank Environmental Cooperation Committee, Seoul, S. Korea, June 2000.

  • Surviving Success: Policy Reform and the Future of Industrial Pollution in China. Presented at the Conference on “People and Nature: Operationalizing Ecological Economics”, Canberra, Australia, July 2000.

  • Greening Industry: New Roles for Communities, Markets, and Governments. Presented at the National Environment Management Authority, Kampala, Uganda, May 2000.

  • Environmental Management Systems. Presented at the Workshop on “Greening Industry”. Bangkok, Thailand, January 2000.

  • “Managing Industrial Pollution: Information, Priorities and Programs”. Presented at the National Environmental Agency, Hanoi, Vietnam, January 2000.

  • Economic Instruments in Controlling Industrial Pollution: Evidence from Asia. Presented at the Workshop on “Greening Industry”, The World Bank, Washington D.C., November 1999.

  • Seeking Solutions for Agro-Chemical Pollution: Evidence from Brazil. Presented at the AAEA International and Industry Conference on “Agro-industrialization, Globalization, and International Development”, Nashville, August, 1999.

  • The Role of Capital Market and Public Disclosure Programs. Presented at the Workshop on “Incentivos para el control de la Contaminación y Mercados de Capital: Evidencias de Argentina, Chile y Mexico”, Santiago, Chile, July 1999.

  • Incentivos para el Control de la Contaminación: el monitoreo y el efectivo cumplimiento- el rol de la comunidad y del mercado de capitales. Presented at the Workshop on “Incentivos para el control de la Contaminación”, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 1999.

  • What Improves Environmental Performance? Evidence from Mexico. Presented at the 9th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Norway, June 1999.

  • Pollution and Capital Markets in Developing Countries. Presented at the 9th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Norway, June 1999.

  • The Environmental Performance of Firms in China: The Role of Inspections. Presented at the PACE-SEPA Conference on “Creating Incentives for Pollution Control in China”, Beijing, China, May 1999.

  • Can Capital Market Create Incentives for Pollution Control? Evidence from Argentina, Chile, Mexico, and Philippines. Presented at the PACE-SEPA Conference on “Creating Incentives for Pollution Control in China”, Beijing, China, May 1999.

  • Managing Industrial Pollution: Information, Priorities and Programs. Presented at the Office of the Vice President, Silesian Regional Government, Katowice, Poland, April 1999.

  • Setting Priorities for Pollution Control. Presented at the Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas; Central Mining Institute; and Silesian Wojewodship Environmental Protection and Water Management Fund, Katowice, Poland, April 1999.

  • Citizen Complaints as Environmental Indicators: Evidence from China. Presented at the Workshop on Poverty, Environment and Growth, The World Bank, Washington D.C., March 1999.

  • Surviving Success: Policy Reform and the Future of Industrial Pollution in China. Presented at the American Economic Associations Meetings, New York City, January 1999.

  • Geographical Information System for Setting Priorities for Pollution Control. Presented at the Fundacao Instituto Brasiliero de Geografia e Estatistica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 1998.

  • Industrial Pollution Control in China: New Directions? Presented at the Workshop on “The Economics of Pollution Control in China”, World Bank, Washington D.C., September 1998.

  • Pollution Control: Information, Priorities and Programs. Presented at the Workshop on “The Economics of Pollution Control in China”, Tianjin, China, May 1998.

  • Pollution and Capital Markets in Developing Countries. Presented at the Conference on Trade, Global Policy, and the Environment, Washington D.C., April 1998.

  • Citizen Complaints as Environmental Indicators: Evidence from China. Presented at the Southern Economic Associations Meetings, Atlanta, November 1997.

  • Rating and Public Disclosure of Environmental Performance for Manufacturing Facilities. Presented at the Resources for Future, Washington DC, November 1997.

  • Surviving Success: Policy Reform and the Future of Industrial Pollution in China. Presented at the Eastern Economic Associations Meetings, Washington D.C., April 1997.

  • Sectoral Reallocation versus Aggregate Demand Shock Proposition: Further Evidence based on NAPM Data. Presented at the Eastern Economic Association Conference, New York City, March 1992.

  • On the Use of Dispersion Measures from NAPM Surveys in Business Cycle Forecasting. Presented at the 44th Annual Conference, New York State Economic Association, Syracuse, October 1991.

  • Use of NAPM Survey Data in Business Cycle Forecasting. Presented at the Eleventh International Symposium on Forecasting, New York City, June 1991.

  • An Econometric Analysis of NAPM Buying Prices. Presented at the American Statistical Associations Meetings, Anaheim, August 1990.

  • Econometrics Workshop, State University of New York at Albany: November 1988, October 1989, March 1990, May 1991, March 1992.

presentations to policy makers

  • Sundarbans: Targeted Environmental Studies. Presented at a Seminar for Policy Makers in India at the World Bank-India Office, August 2019.

  • Vulnerability of Sundarbans in a Changing Climate. Technical (One day) Workshop. Conducted at the World Bank- Bangladesh Office, July 2019.

  • Minimizing Ecological damage from Rural Development: Big Geospatial Data on Biodiversity. Presented at the Awareness Event: Earth Observation for Sustainable Agricultural Development, organized by the World Bank- Agricultural Global Practice and the European Space Agency, World Bank, Washington DC, USA, September 2018.

  • Vulnerability in a Changing Climate and Adaptation: Gulf Cooperation Council Countries. Kuwait City. Kuwait. April 2018.

  • Minimizing Ecological damage from Road Improvement in Tropical Forests. Presented at the Chinese Academy of Environmental Planning, Beijing, China. November 2017.

  • Uncovering the visible and not-so-visible threats from climate change: The Case of Poverty in Coastal Bangladesh. Presented to the Lower Mekong Public Policy Initiative team, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, December 2016.

  • Uncovering the visible and not-so-visible threats from climate change: The Case of Poverty in Coastal Bangladesh. Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment (ISPONRE), Presented at MONRE, Hanoi, Vietnam, December 2016.

  • Urban Flooding of Greater Dhaka in a Changing Climate: Building local Resilience to Disaster Risk. Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment (ISPONRE), Presented at MONRE, Hanoi, Vietnam, December 2016.

  • Minimizing Ecological damage from Road Improvement in Tropical Forests in Myanmar. Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment (ISPONRE), Presented at MONRE, Hanoi, Vietnam, December 2016.

presentations to development partners

  • Vulnerability of Sundarbans in a Changing Climate. Presented to Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, the UK Department for International Development at the World Bank-India Office, August 2019.

  • Minimizing Ecological damage from Road Improvement in Tropical Forests. Presented at the Asian Development Bank. Manila, Philippines. December 2017.

  • Urban Flooding of Greater Dhaka in a Changing Climate: Building local Resilience to Disaster Risk. Presented at the Asian Development Bank. Manila, Philippines. December 2017.

  • Coastal Zone Vulnerability and Climate Change: Visible and Not-So-Visible Threats. Presented at the Asian Development Bank. Manila, Philippines. December 2017.

  • Urban Flooding of Greater Dhaka in a Changing Climate: Building local Resilience to Disaster Risk. Presented at JICA, Tokyo, Japan, December 2016.

training seminars

  • Coping with Climate Change in the Sundarbans. Presented at a Webinar organized by International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD), Bangladesh, November 2020.

  • Integrating a New Biodiversity Dataset into the Environmental and Social Safeguards (ESF). Presented at the World Bank Environmental and Social Learning Sessions, World Bank, Washington DC, March 2020.

  • Innovative Tools to Minimize Ecological Damage: A new Bank Geospatial Terrestrial Biodiversity Database & A Desktop Monitor for Forest Clearing in Operationally-Sensitive Areas. Presented at a Seminar organized by Disruptive Technology, World Bank, Washington DC, November 2019.

  • Coping with the Vulnerability of Sundarbans in a Changing Climate: Results of Multidisciplinary Research Funded by South Asia Water Initiative (SAWI). Presented at a Seminar organized by Environment, Natural Resources and Blue Economy Global Practice, World Bank, Washington DC, October 2019

  • Coastal Zone Vulnerability and Climate Change: Visible and Not-so-Visible Threats. Presented at Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, India, July 2019.

  • The Economics of Building Resilience to Urban Flooding: The Case of Megacity Dhaka. Presented at the Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, India. December 2018.

  • Coastal Zone Vulnerability and Changing Climate: Visible and Not-so-Visible Threats. Presented at TERI University, India. December 2018.

  • Urban Flooding of Greater Dhaka in a Changing Climate: Building local Resilience to Disaster Risk. Presented at University of Goa, India. December 2018.

  • Minimizing Ecological Risks from Rural Development: Big Geospatial Data on Biodiversity. Presented at the World Bank-Washington, September 2018.

  • Big Geospatial Data on Biodiversity. Presented at the World Bank-Washington, February 2018.

  • The Sundarbans Dialogue: Building Bilateral Trust for Sustainable Environmental Management. Presented at the World Bank, Washington DC, Washington, January 2018.

  • Coastal Zone Vulnerability and Climate Change: Visible and Not-So-Visible Threats. Presented at Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. January 2018.

  • Key Findings on Environmentally-Sensitive and Disaster Resilient Infrastructure Investment Research by DECEE. Presented at the World Bank- Singapore December 2017.

  • Minimizing Ecological damage from Road Improvement. Presented at the World Bank, Lao PDR. December 2017.

  • Key Findings on Environmentally-Sensitive and Disaster Resilient Infrastructure Investment Research by DECEE. Presented at the World Bank- Manila December 2017.

  • The Socioeconomics of Fish Consumption and Poor Communities in Bangladesh. Presented at the WorldFish. Dhaka. Bangladesh. December 2017.

  • Impacts of Aquatic Salinization on Fish habitats and Poor Communities in Bangladesh. Presented at the WorldFish. Dhaka. Bangladesh. December 2017.

  • Urban Flooding of Greater Dhaka in a Changing Climate: Building local Resilience to Disaster Risk. Presented at Nanjing University, Nanjing, China. November 2017.

  • Coastal Zone Vulnerability and Climate Change: Visible and Not-So-Visible Threats. Presented at the National University of Singapore. Singapore. December 2017.

  • Coastal Zone Vulnerability and Climate Change: Visible and Not-So-Visible Threats. Presented at the University of Liberal Arts, Dhaka, Bangladesh. December 2017.

  • Coastal Zone Vulnerability and Climate Change: Visible and Not-So-Visible Threats. Presented at BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. December 2017.

  • Urban Flooding of Greater Dhaka in a Changing Climate: Building local Resilience to Disaster Risk. Presented at BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. December 2017.

  • Coastal Zone Vulnerability and Climate Change: Visible and Not-So-Visible Threats. Presented at North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. December 2017.

  • Coastal Zone Vulnerability and Climate Change: Visible and Not-So-Visible Threats. Presented at the BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh. December 2017.

  • Minimizing Ecological damage from Road Improvement in Tropical Forests. Presented at Nanjing University, Nanjing, China. November 2017

  • Coastal Zone Vulnerability and Climate Change: Visible and Not-So-Visible Threats. Presented at Peking University, Beijing, China. November 2017.

  • Coastal Zone Vulnerability and Climate Change: Visible and Not-So-Visible Threats. Presented at Renmin University, Beijing, China. November 2017.

  • Coastal Zone Vulnerability and Climate Change: Visible and Not-So-Visible Threats. Presented at Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China. November 2017.

  • Minimizing Ecological damage from Road Improvement in Tropical Forests. Presented at Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China. November 2017.

  • Minimizing Ecological damage from Road Improvement in Tropical Forests. Presented at Central South University, Changsha, China. November 2017.

  • Minimizing Ecological damage from Road Improvement in Tropical Forests. Presented at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, November 2017.

  • Coastal Zone Vulnerability and Climate Change: Visible and Not-So-Visible Threats. Presented at Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. November 2017.

  • Urban Flooding of Greater Dhaka in a Changing Climate: Building local Resilience to Disaster Risk. Presented at Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. November 2017.

  • The Socioeconomics of Fish Consumption and Poor Communities in Bangladesh. Presented at the National Economics University. Hanoi. Vietnam. November 2017.

  • Impacts of Aquatic Salinization on Fish habitats and Poor Communities in Bangladesh. Presented at the National Economics University. Hanoi. Vietnam. November 2017.

  • Research on Climate Change and Minimizing Ecological damage from Road Improvement in Tropical Forests. Presented at the World Bank- Beijing. August 2017

  • Coastal Zone Vulnerability and Climate Change: Visible and Not-So-Visible Threats. Presented at Calcutta University, Kolkata, India. May, 2017.

  • Minimizing Ecological damage from Road Improvement in Tropical Forests. Presented at the World Bank, Washington DC. March 2017.

  • Household Air Pollution in Madagascar. Presented at the World Bank, Washington DC. February 2017.

  • Coastal Bangladesh in a Changing Climate. Presented at the World Bank, Bangladesh. January 2017.

  • Uncovering the visible and not-so-visible threats from climate change: The Case of Poverty in Coastal Bangladesh. Presented at the World Bank, Vietnam. December 2016

  • Minimizing Ecological damage from Road Improvement in Tropical Forests in Myanmar. Presented at Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, December 2016.

  • Minimizing Ecological damage from Road Improvement in Tropical Forests in Myanmar. Presented at the University of Malaysia-Sarawak, Kuching, Malaysia, December 2016.

  • Uncovering the visible and not-so-visible threats from climate change: The Case of Poverty in Coastal Bangladesh. Presented at University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, December 2016.

  • Urban Flooding of Greater Dhaka in a Changing Climate: Building local Resilience to Disaster Risk. Presented at the University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, December 2016.

  • Uncovering the visible and not-so-visible threats from climate change: The Case of Poverty in Coastal Bangladesh. Presented at the National Economics University, Hanoi, Vietnam, December 2016.

  • Minimizing Ecological damage from Road Improvement in Tropical Forests in Myanmar. Presented at the National Economics University, Hanoi, Vietnam, December 2016.

  • Minimizing Ecological Damage from Road Improvement in Tropical Forests: The Case of Cameroon. Presented at the World Bank, Workshop on Economic Development and Deforestation, Washington DC, November 2016.

  • Uncovering the visible and not-so-visible threats from climate change: The Case of Poverty in Coastal Bangladesh. Presented at Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, November 2016.\

  • Urban Flooding of Greater Dhaka in a Changing Climate: Building local Resilience to Disaster Risk. Presented at Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, November 2016.

  • Minimizing Ecological damage from Road Improvement in Tropical Forests in Myanmar. Presented at Peking University, Beijing, China, November, 2016.

  • Uncovering the visible and not-so-visible threats from climate change: The Case of Poverty in Coastal Bangladesh. Presented at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, November 2016.

  • Minimizing Ecological damage from Road Improvement in Tropical Forests in Myanmar. Presented at Renmin University, Beijing, China, November 2016.

  • Uncovering the visible and not-so-visible threats from climate change: The Case of Poverty in Coastal Bangladesh. Presented at the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu, China, November 2016.

  • Uncovering the visible and not-so-visible threats from climate change: The Case of Poverty in Coastal Bangladesh. Presented at Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, November 2016.

  • Minimizing Ecological damage from Road Improvement in Tropical Forests in Myanmar. Presented at the World Bank, Malaysia. September 2016

  • Uncovering the visible and not-so-visible threats from climate change: The Case of Poverty in Coastal Bangladesh. Presented at Calcutta University-Urban Economics Department, Kolkata, India, February, 2017.

  • Urban Flooding of Greater Dhaka in a Changing Climate: Building local Resilience to Disaster Risk. Presented at Calcutta University-Urban Economics Department, Kolkata, India, February, 2017.

  • Uncovering the visible and not-so-visible threats from climate change: The Case of Poverty in Coastal Bangladesh. Presented at the Indian Institute of Management, Kolkata, India, February, 2017.

  • Urban Flooding of Greater Dhaka in a Changing Climate: Building local Resilience to Disaster Risk. Presented at Presidency University, Kolkata, India, February, 2017.

  • Minimizing Ecological damage from Road Improvement in Tropical Forests in Myanmar. Presented at Presidency University, Kolkata, India, February, 2017.

  • Urban Flooding of Greater Dhaka in a Changing Climate: Building local Resilience to Disaster Risk. Presented at Williams College, USA, April, 2017.

  • Coastal Bangladesh in a Changing Climate. Presented at Independent University-Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh. August 2016.

  • Urban Flooding of Greater Dhaka in a Changing Climate: Building Local Resilience to Disaster Risk. Presented at Calcutta University, Department of Geography. Kolkata, India. April 2016.

  • River Salinity in Coastal Bangladesh in a Changing Climate. Presented at the Seminar on Making Climate Data Relevant for Bangladesh: Spatial and Temporal Downscaling”, Dhaka, Bangladesh. May 2014.

  • Coastal Vulnerability in a Changing Climate. Presented at the International Seminar on Environmental Interface: An Interdisciplinary Approach towards Sustainable Development, Muralidhar Girls’ College, Kolkata, India. May 2013.

  • Urban Flooding of Greater Dhaka Area in Changing Climate: Vulnerability, Adaptation and Potential Costs- Methodology for Integrated Assessment. Presented at the Consultative Workshop of the Bangladesh Climate Change Resilience Fund-AAA, Dhaka, Bangladesh, June 2012.

  • Pesticide Use and Health Effects. Presented at the Training Session on Pest Management Safeguard Policy, Washington DC, September 2009.

  • Obsolete Pesticides: A Threat to Public Health, Ecosystem and Biodiversity. Presented at the Training Session on Pest Management Safeguard Policy, Washington DC, September 2009.

  • Impact of Climate Change on Extreme Weather in Bangladesh and Adaptation. Presented at the Stakeholders’ Workshop on Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change, Dhaka, Bangladesh, April 2010.

  • Exposure to Indoor Air Pollution: Evidence from Bangladesh. Presented at the State Resource Center, Department of Health and Family Welfare- Government of West Bengal, Kolkata, December 2008.

  • Exposure to Indoor Air Pollution in Bangladesh. Presented at the George Washington University Medical School, Washington DC, December 2008.

  • Improving Indoor Air Quality for Poor Families: A Controlled Experiment in Bangladesh. Presented at the World Bank, Washington DC, September 2008.

  • Indoor Air Quality for Poor Families in Bangladesh. Presented at the World Bank, Madagascar Office, June, 2008.

  • Risk Assessment of Stockpiles of Obsolete Pesticides. Presented at the Dans le Cadre du Programme PASP-Tunisie/Prevention, Ministry of Agriculture, Tunisia, April, 2008.

  • Pesticide Use and Health Effects. Presented at the Training Session on Pest Management Safeguard Policy, Washington DC, September 2007.

  • Pesticide Use and Health Effects. Presented at the Training Session on Pest Management Safeguard Policy, Washington DC, March 2007.

  • Pesticide Use and Health Effects. Presented at the Training Session on Pest Management Safeguard Policy, Washington DC, October 2006.

  • Pesticide poisoning of farm workers in Vietnam. Presented at the Training Session on Pest Management Safeguard Policy, Washington DC, March 2006.

  • Indoor Air Quality in Bangladesh. Presented at the Environment Research Institute, Prime Minister’s Office, Vientiane, Lao PDR, August 2005.

  • Pesticide Use, Health Effects and Safe Alternatives: Evidence from Bangladesh and Vietnam. Presented at the Environment Research Institute, Prime Minister’s Office, Vientiane, Lao PDR, August 2005.

  • Blood Monitoring of Pesticide Intoxication. Presented at the ENV Workshop on Environmental Health: Featuring Methodologies, Washington DC, April 2005.

  • Indoor Air Quality for Poor Families in Bangladesh. Presented at the ENV Workshop on Operationalizing Poverty and Environment Issues, Washington DC, March 2005.

  • Indoor Air Pollution in Bangladesh. Presented at the ENV Workshop on Air Pollution and Environmental Health, Washington DC, January 2005.

  • Innovative Ways of Industrial Pollution Control in Developing Countries. Presented at the MoEF-MSE Faculty Up-gradation Program on Environmental Economics, Calcutta, India, November 2001.

  • Effective Use of Information for Pollution Control in Developing Countries. Presented at the MoEF-MSE Faculty Up-gradation Program on Environmental Economics, Calcutta, India, November 2001.

  • Design and Application of an Environmental Information System for Priority Setting in Pollution Control. Presented at the WBI-UNEP-TNPCB Workshop on Strengthening Environmental Compliance and Enforcement in India, Chennai, India, June, 2001.

  • Use of Economic Instruments for Pollution Control in Developing Countries. Presented at the WBI-UNEP-TNPCB Workshop on Strengthening Environmental Compliance and Enforcement in India, Chennai, India, June 2001.

  • Design, Tactics and Efficacy of Public Information for Pollution Control. Presented at the WBI-UNEP-TNPCB Workshop on Strengthening Environmental Compliance and Enforcement in India, Chennai, India, June 2001.

  • Economic Instruments for Pollution Control in Developing Countries. Presented at the WBI-UNEP-SEPA Workshop on Achieving Environmental Compliance and Enforcement, Shanghai, China, May, 2001.

  • Public Disclosure for Pollution Control in Developing Countries. Presented at the WBI-UNEP-SEPA Workshop on Achieving Environmental Compliance and Enforcement, Shanghai, China, May, 2001.

  • Best Practice with regard to Industrial Pollution Monitoring and Improved Pollution Control Compliance from Developing Country Experience. Presented at the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, March 2001.

  • Public Information for Pollution Control. Presented at the World Bank Institute Distance Learning Center, November 2000.

  • Incentives for Pollution Control: Pollution Charge and Public Disclosure. Presented at the Center for Science and Environment, India, October 2000.

  • Information-based Monitoring, Disclosure, and the Creation of New Incentives for Industry to Improve Compliance. Presented at the Uttar Pradesh State Pollution Control Board, India, June 2000.

  • Design of an Environmental Information System. Presented at the National Environmental Agency, Hanoi, Vietnam, January 2000.

  • Poverty and Pollution: Integrated Application of Industrial Pollution Projection System, Decision Support System, and Dose Response Function. Presented at the Training Seminar on China InfoDev, Washington DC, September 1999.

  • Setting National Profile of Agro-Pollution. Presented at the Workshop “Setting Priorities for Pollution Control”, Washington DC, June 1999.

  • The Impact of Inspections on Corporate Environmental Performance. Presented at the Nanjing University: Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nanjing, China, May 1999.

  • Involving Community for Pollution Control. Presented at the SEPA, Beijing, China, May 1999.

  • Geographical Information System for Setting Priorities for Pollution Control. Presented at the Fundacao Instituto Brasiliero de Geografia e Estatistica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 1998.

  • Setting Priorities for Pollution Control in Brazil. Presented at the Training Seminar on Environmental Economics for Development Policy, Economic Development Institute of World Bank, Washington D.C., July 1998.

  • Use of Information in Pollution Control. Presented at the Workshop on The Economics of Pollution Control in China, Tianjin, China, May 1998.

  • Setting Priorities in Pollution Control. Presented at the Nanjing University: Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nanjing, China, May 1998.

  • Estimation of Pollution in case of Incomplete Information. Presented at the Training Workshop on The Economics of Pollution Control in China, Washington DC, April 1997.

  • Estimation of Pollution Abatement Cost: Methodology and Policy Implications. Presented at the Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Science, Beijing, China, April 1996.

  • Estimation of Pollution Abatement Cost: Methodology and Policy Implications. Presented at the Tianjin Environmental Protection Bureau, Tianjin, China, April 1996.