Mr. Susich 

4th/5th Grade Mathematics

Eric D. Susich -- Middle School Mathematics


Phone: (724) 643-8650 ext. 228

Please see the attached document in regards to the upcoming remote learning opportunities.  

Website Letter Synchro Learning Policy.pdf

Additionally, please understand that the Chromebook your child is using is the property of Midland Borough School District.  The Chromebook must be returned to the district, once the completion of the current academic school year comes to an end.  It is important to understand that it is your responsibility to maintain the proper care and condition of the Chromebook that your child is using for his/her academics.  The Chromebook should be used for SCHOOL PURPOSES ONLY.

All digital interaction and internet usage (Acceptable Use Policy) should be appropriate and followed, as per the school's code of conduct and rules that each of you have agreed to and acknowledged at the beginning of the current academic school year.  Please adhere to these policies moving forward.

I am certain that will experience some minor difficulties with this new format and the methods of instructional delivery, but rest assured that we will work through these issues and resolve them together as a TEAM.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to me, at any time, by emailing me at the address listed above.  I thank you in advance for your assistance and support during these uncertain times. 

 Mr. Eric D. Susich - 4th/5th Grade Mathematics 



  4th and 5th Grade Classroom Resources:

Grade 4 Math Book

 Interactive Student Edition:

1. Select Chapter

2. Select Lesson

Math on the Spot Videos:

1. Select Grade

2. Select Chapter

3. Select Lesson


Grade 5 Math Book:

Interactive Student Edition:

1. Select Chapter

2. Select Lesson

Math on the Spot Videos:

1. Select Grade

2. Select Chapter

3. Select Lesson