Call for papers

Edit 19/07/2019: the submission period has now finished

Submission guidelines


We accept submissions of original, unpublished work on smart ultrasound imaging, including (but not limited to) the following topics:

  • Ultrasound beamforming and sensing
  • Image-guided acquisition
  • Image segmentation, registration and fusion
  • Motion compensation methods
  • Motion and flow analysis
  • Image quantification and biometrics extraction
  • Computational methods for ultrasound image visualisation

Paper format

Submissions must be up to 8 pages, and in PDF following the Springer LNCS format. Templates can be found here. Author names, affiliations and acknowledgements, as well as any obvious phrasings or clues that can identify authors must be removed to ensure anonymity. Replace them by placeholders to ensure that the final camera-ready paper does not exceed 8 pages.

All accepted papers will need to sign and submit a LNCS copyright form with the camera ready version.

Paper submissioN

Go to the paper submission system. Submission deadline: June 30thJuly 15th July 19th (Final deadline).