General FAQs
Does Dr. Abbott accept insurance?
Dr. Abbott is fee-for-service, which means that the service is paid for at the time of the appointment and the patient is reimbursed by their insurance company directly. Information regarding treatment and diagnoses codes will be provided. See the link below for helpful information:
Does Dr. Abbott answer questions and schedule appointments by email?
Yes, at
How do I know if my child needs to see a psychiatrist?
There are several types of presentations that warrant an evaluation:
When your child is unable to perform up to his or her academic potential.
When your family has a history of psychiatric or mental illness and you recognize or suspect a similar problem in your child.
When your child suffers a high degree of subjective distress that does not resolve on its own in two weeks.
When behaviors or statements associated with harm to self or others are present.
And, finally, when other interventions in place for 6-8 weeks have failed.