Versions, Mod Progress, and Changelog


Version 1.0 (Fixed Release)- Fixed the bug where Evil Pumpkins wouldn't spawn

-Fixed the bug where the Permafrost and Spooky dimension spawned in the overworld


Version 1.1.0

-Candy Cane Forest no longer spawns in the overworld

-The 'Hut' structure no longer spawns on mountains or in oceans (Hopefully this fixes the cases of floating huts)

-Fixed generator code

-Remade multiple textures including: Metal Sword, Metal Dagger, Metal Pick, Generator, Reinforced Iron, Metal Plates

-Changed recipes including: Refined Metal Block, Metal Plates


Version 1.1.1

-Remade many textures

-Made the recipes for Plated Metal, Metal Block cheaper

-Changed all the metal gear to requiring reinforced Iron instead of metal plates (example: things like a metal shovel cost 4 iron instead of 36)

-Fixed more bugs

-Added the mod to Curseforge ("Mafia_Cheezstick's Survival Plus")

-Added a wiki


Version 1.1.2

-Heavy bug fixes

-Remade the texture of Knowledge and the Wiring Kit


Version 2.0

-The Official Modpack was released, you can find it here:

-Revamped all of the Metal Armor sprites (finally)

-Added a recipe for the Wooden Spoon (you can finally go to the candy dimension now)

-Taffy lasts 10sec instead of 3/4 of a sec

-Taffy effects were balanced

-Jello can be found now

State of the Mod/Developer

-Its been a while since I've posted an update

-The mod has around 170 downloads collectively


-Lengthy essay about the state of the mod rn vvv

-This is hard for me to write. I love how S+, my first mod, got over 100 downloads collectively on both posting sites within the first few months. I finally understood that I wasn't just wasting my time and that people genuinely thought my ideas were cool (from the images and description at least). I spent 2 years working on this random cluster of a mod. There were massive breaks in those 2 years, but in the end, I made something at least according to me, was playable.

I have made several updates and will update the mod to newer versions over time. I do; however, have a serious question for all of you. I don't know if anyone will see this, but I don't know if the people who downloaded this mod actually like it or not. I've had an update planned that I've been excited about for months at this point, but I want to make it the best for all of you (It has custom models and new mechanics that I've spent weeks working on). Let's just say the pressure has gotten to me.

If you like the mod and want me to update it and do revamps and what-not, please tell me. If I get no feedback, I'll likely just post the new version and leave this mod behind. I need motivation and confirmation that what I'm doing is worth it. Sorry for the sloppy essay I wrote here, but please consider.