I submitted the new build of Survivalcraft 2 Day One (version which contains the latest fix. Please update and let me know if everything works. If it does, I will submit the full version of Survivalcraft and the remaining games as well.

Hello, one of my favorite genres is open world survival craft But i feel like Ive tried almost all the popular games and was hoping to get some good suggestions or smaller titles. Valheim, Subnautica, The Forest, Factorio, and Terraria are some of my most played games so hopefully that gives some kind of sense to the kind of stuff I enjoy. Any recommendations are greatly appreciated, Thanks!

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At the moment I really want play a survival game but I think I already played all the best, I played no man's sky, astroneer, minecraft, terraria, ark ,raft, valheim, rust, Conan exiles, craftopia, subnautica the forest, tried pixark (maybe I forgot some, but these where the best) and now I don't really know what to play. I'm looking for a game that's more based on pve and grinding. Do you have some recommendations what to play? I found empyrion, but it looks like too complex, maybe some similar games like I listed would be nice. Thanks in advance

Coast Guard data show that during fiscal years 2010 through 2019 most people survived vessel accidents, and out-of-water survival craft, such as a lifeboat, was used more often than other types of lifesaving equipment. However, the Coast Guard has limited information about people involved in vessel accidents, such as their date of birth, potential disability, and type of lifesaving equipment used, if any. For example, Coast Guard data did not include the type of lifesaving equipment used, if any, for about 45 percent (1,733 of 3,847) of accident survivors. By requiring its investigators to collect date of birth, known disability, and use of lifesaving equipment information of survivors and casualties of vessel accidents, the service could better assess the efficacy of lifesaving equipment.

The Coast Guard estimated costs and benefits of requiring vessel owners to carry out-of-water survival craft in its 2013 and 2017 reports to Congress, but the estimates were not fully accurate or complete. The Coast Guard did not use economically justifiable discount rates to account for the time value of money nor document its rationale, as recommended by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). In its 2013 report, this resulted in estimated net costs $32.3 million higher than if it had. By fully implementing OMB best practices, the Coast Guard can better ensure its future estimates are accurate and complete.

Since 2010, the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Coast Guard investigated over 50,000 maritime vessel accidents, including some resulting in casualties (dead or missing persons). The Coast Guard investigates accidents and requires vessels to carry lifesaving equipment to reduce the likelihood of casualties. Among this equipment are out-of-water survival craft to ensure no part of a person is immersed in water.

The Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2016 includes a provision for GAO to examine the extent of vessel-based casualties from water immersion and the efficacy of various lifesaving equipment. This report assesses the extent the Coast Guard has (1) data from 2010 through 2019 showing vessel-based casualties and survivability; (2) estimated costs and benefits of implementing out-of-water survival craft requirements for vessel owners; and (3) guidance for designating cold water areas and corresponding equipment requirements based on the best available data. GAO reviewed Coast Guard guidance and vessel accident data and interviewed Coast Guard and industry officials.

GAO makes four recommendations, including that the Coast Guard require investigators collect data about people's use of lifesaving equipment in accidents, fully implement cost estimate best practices for out-of-water survival craft requirements, and if necessary, update cold water areas determinations. DHS concurred with 3 of 4 recommendations. GAO continues to believe the findings in the report support the recommendations.

This one-day course is designed for all personnel working offshore. It provides the participant with a basic understanding of the capabilities and operation of the Totally Enclosed Motor Propelled Survival Craft (TEMPSC). MSTC currently uses both Watercraft (double fall) and Survival System (single fall) TEMPSC.

We have five operation launching davits and five TEMPSC in operation, allowing us to demonstrate winches and releasing gear. The participant will launch the craft, operate it in water, and recover it into the davit.

Survivalcraft is a 2011 open sandbox video game developed by Marcin Igor Kalicinski under the brand Candy Rufus Games. Following early test versions, it was released on 16 November 2011 for the Windows Phone, and is also available for Android, iOS, and Microsoft Windows. The game is set on a deserted island in an open world, where the player collects resources and items that can be made into survival tools. The game has six different game modes: Survival, Challenging, Cruel, Harmless, Adventure, and Creative. of which the first four involve the player gathering necessary resources to stay alive. The Creative mode gives the player unlimited items and health, and the Adventure mode is used for quest maps and parkours.

Kalicinski was inspired by Minecraft, and originally only worked on the game for fun, with his son as the sole pre-release tester. The game was compared to Minecraft by various reviews, with most reviews stating that the game is either better than or supplements its source of inspiration. The game became one of the most downloaded games for Windows Phone and iPad in 2013 and 2014. The sequel Survivalcraft 2 followed in December 2016, and allows players to create their own blocks.

Survivalcraft is a three-dimensional (3D) sandbox game that is set on a deserted island. The game begins with the player generating an open world, based on parameters such as the average temperature and humidity.[1] After setting up the world, the player character is shown marooned on an island, as the crew on a nearby ship announces they will not return for them.[2]

After the dialogue ends, the player is pushed by the necessity to collect resources and items to survive.[2] The player may start by cutting down a tree to obtain timber and, in turn, creating a workbench, which can then be used to create more items and blocks. The items that could be crafted in the workbench, as well as the prerequired items and the methods to craft them, could be seen in the Recipaedia.[3] The player may then use the tools to increase the hunger bar by eating food from hunting down animals, constructing a shelter for a place to sleep and spend the night, or mining to obtain underground resources. If the character does not eat food for a prolonged time, the hunger bar will drop to zero, and the character's health bar would decrease to zero. If the health bar also drops to zero, the character would die.[1] The player also needs to craft clothes to prevent the character from freezing and depleting health bar points.[4]

There are six different game modes in the game: Survival, Challenging, Cruel, Harmless, and Creative. In the first four,[1] the game character starts empty-handed, and the player is challenged to stay alive on the island alone and gather necessary resources to craft items and blocks for their survival. The Harmless mode makes surviving easier, with neutral animals that do not attack unless provoked and faster healing time. Challenging is the normal survival mode, with animals attacking once the character gets to a certain distance and a longer and conditional healing time. Cruel's only difference compared to Challenging is that the world is deleted if the player dies.[5][6] On the other hand, Creative mode equips the player with an infinite amount of every block and items on the game. The character could fly and could not die or experience an injury while playing in this mode.[1] In Survival mode, the player begins with fish in their inventory. The player is also able to go back to where they slept, as well. In Adventure mode, the player is unable to break blocks without using appropriate tools, being usually used for quest maps.

Kalicinski stated that he made the game after playing and remixing Minecraft's source code. He bought a copy of the game in July 2011 after hearing rumours about it for a long period. After playing the game and modifying the game's source code, he wrote his test code a few days later. Kalicinski stated that his code was initially intended as a "toy project"; he never thought of publishing or selling it due to the sheer amount of Minecraft duplicates that already circulated at that time. Kalicinski created the code in the C# programming language.[9]

Kalicinski chose Windows Phone as its starting platform due to the absence of Minecraft and its clones in the platform. He had difficulties overcoming limitations for apps in the Windows Phone, such as the lack of support for shaders and the prohibition of native code. These problems made him almost abandon Survivalcraft, but he tried to run the game on the phone and it reached a rate of 4.5 frames per second on its first try. He tried to improve the game's code and managed to make the game playable.[9] The game was submitted to the Windows Phone Store in mid-November 2011[10] and was released on 16 November 2011.[11][12]

After its first release, Kalicinski received feedback from players regarding Survivalcraft's features. There was a huge demand by the players to make the game more similar to Minecraft. However, Kalicinski already planned the game to be more focused on the survival aspect. He wanted to make a long-term game with more features that would make the character more susceptible to death, such as cold, hunger, thirst, natural disasters, and increasingly dangerous enemies. Nevertheless, the feedback refocused him on improving the game's basic features instead of implementing his planned new features.[9] ff782bc1db

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