Jose Rizal




• Noli Me Tangere or Touch me Not in English.

• Published in Berlin, Germany.

• A novel by Rizal written in 1887.

• Inspired by the novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Harriet Beecher Stowe.

•  Noli had been banned and its author now hated intensely by the friars.


El Filibusterismo or The Reigh of Green in English.

• Published in Europe, 1891.

•  A sequel to his first novel "Noli me Tangere".

•  Noli was Rizal's answer to Victor Hugo's Les Miserables.

Inspired and encouraged the Filipinos to stand up against colonial repression 

Cornell notes:

Topic: Jose Rizal 

Questions & Cues


He was a vocal critic of Spanish's colonial rule. His writings expose the abuses of the Spanish government and
inspired Filipinos to fight for their freedom. He founded the propaganda movement which advocate for political reforms for the Phill pines. He also founded the secret society "La Liga Filipina".

Joes Rizal made many contributions to the Philippines. He was a prolific writer, and his novel, Noli Ne tangere and El Filibusterismo, are considered to be masterpieces of Philippine Literature. Rizal was also skilled doctor, and he used his skills to help the poor and the sick. He was also a talented artist, and he is credited with designing the Philippine flag.

The main goal of Jose Rizal in the propaganda movement was to achieve reforms in the Philippines through peaceful means. Rizal’s ideas and his work had a profound impact on the Philippines. He is considered of the most important figures in the Philippine history, and his legacy continues to inspire Filipino today.

Rizal’s works have had a profound impact on the Philippine society. They promoted nationalism and helped promote nationalism among Filipinos. They showed Filipinos that they had a shared history and culture, and they inspired them to fight for their independence.

His love for his country and his people. Rizal was a patriot who deeply concerned about the plight of his countrymen under Spanish rule. He believed that education and enlightenment were the keys to Philippine independence, and he used his novels to inspire his countrymen to fight for their freedom. 


Jose Rizal was born in Calamba, Philippines, on June 19, 1861. He attended the Ateneo, a prestigious high school in Manila, and subsequently the University of St. Thomas. In 1882, he completed his postgraduate studies at the University of Madrid. Joes Rizal contributed significantly to the Philippines. He was a prolific writer, and his novels, Noli Ne tangere and El Filibusterismo, The major purpose of Jose Rizal's propaganda effort was to accomplish peaceful reforms in the Philippines. Rizal's works had a significant effect on Philippine society. They supported nationalism and assisted in the promotion of nationalism among Filipinos.


Jose Rizal is the most prominent person in the Philippines. He is best-known for his life's work, the novel "Noli me tangere" and "El Filibusterismo". He become a national hero for his courage to unveil the wrongdoings of the priest against the Filipino people. His novel depicted the oppression of the friars and the mistreatment of his fellowmen. His death prompted the Filipino to fight for their rights, to fight for their freedoms. Even today, he was immortalized by the books he has written. Rizal is still relevant even today because his patriotism can also inspire the youth. 

Rizal's writings, notably his novels "Noli Me Tangere" and "El Filibusterismo," addressed the injustices and persecution endured by the Filipino people during Spanish colonial authority. The youth are deeply moved by Rizal's patriotism and concern for the well-being of his fellow Filipinos. As a Filipino I look up to Rizal because of all he has done for the Philippines. He believes that the youth are the hope of the nation "And kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan". He died for his country and ignite the patriotism of the Filipinos. Even though he's gone the things he had done makes him immortal and until relevant today. Without Rizal and his writings, the Filipino people won't awake their patriotism and courage to speak for themselves.

Jose Rizal is still relevant and inspires young people today because of his support for national identity, education, nonviolent reform, interdisciplinary excellence, and humanitarian principles. His long impact serves as a reminder that individuals have the ability to effect good change and contribute to societal improvement.