How much does Surrogate Mother in India get paid?

Money that Surrogate Mother is paid in India

At, it plays an important role in making possible infertility into fertility through modern medical technologies. So believing on the company is none other than inhalation-to-find your family complete with a baby. Covering every infertility treatments and solutions, the company now focuses on how much does surrogate mother get paid? So keep in mind that agreeing to be a surrogate mother stands to giving up just about 10 months of your life to become pregnant, endure gestation and delivery, and then give the baby to others who will become its parents. Yes, it is a life-changing experience for which the surrogate is compensated. Fees vary for the different agencies, but in general all expenses for the pregnancy are paid, as well as a fee to the surrogate mother.

Becoming a Surrogate in India

The majority of surrogate agencies need an intensive application process to turn into a surrogate parent. The early application begs for a family history, a medical history, the figure of past pregnancies, the number of current children and other issues that paint a picture of the potential surrogate’s ability to experience with such a monumental commitment. Once that step goes complete, the agency makes a decision whether to ask the applicant to endure the next step that takes in medical examinations, psychological examinations and, if approved, a signed contract to offer a baby to the intended parents through the agency.

The Contract of Surrogate Mother accepted in India

After the surrogate mother has accepted and has been approved by the intended parents, a contract is put together detailing the payment amounts and schedules that will be followed all through the process. Agencies handle payment schedules in a different ways. Payments are often deposited by the intended parents into an account at a bank or other financial institution, in which funds are assigned exclusively for the duration of the pregnancy. The account is administered by a third party, such as the bank. Payments are released from the account as the bills come unpaid. The contract details what the payments are for, in addition to when they should be released to the surrogate. Also, the surrogate agency charges the intended parents a fee to hold the payment observing, set up all needed testing to monitor surrogates, and go with the surrogate with the intended parents.


Usually, the preparation for pregnancy takes hormone injections and medical exams. The surrogate is combined by contract not to set the injurious agents into her body from the time she is gone with her intended parents to the post-delivery period. Usually, this includes tobacco, drugs, and alcohol, but can be as restraining as frightening her to eat refined sugars. Method of delivery is sometimes specified as possible in the contract, with some intended parents preferring natural childbirth. The surrogate mostly takes part in childbirth preparation classes with keeping fit on her own.

Fees for Service

Though the surrogacy fees differ for different agencies, the use of funds held in the bank for the surrogacy process is cautiously detailed. These expenses do not go straight to the surrogate mother, but they benefit her by keeping up the legal supervision of the process and making sure that she and the intended parents are economically protected.

Fee to Surrogate

The surrogate mother generally gets a fee as well as her medical and other expenses before her participation. Becoming a surrogate is like accepting a day job for just about 20 months. The intended parents typically pay off the surrogate for her commitment with a predetermined cash fee. The total fee is generally separated monthly, and be paid in a lump sum following successful delivery. In addition to her other expenses, she will usually get a maternity clothing payment and flat-fee payments for her contribution.


Also, the surrogate mother’s medical expenses get paid by the intended parents. This takes in all ob-gyn visits for prenatal care. It may also take in any additional medical care required in the interest of the surrogate’s general health and comfort. This is settled when the contract is put together and agreed to by both parties. In addition, the cost of labor and delivery is stood by the intended parents, who may also compensate for childbirth preparation classes for the surrogate. Some surrogate agreements have a built-in emergency fund section. This clause offers a prearranged amount of money that is held in the bank account for items such as car repairs or unusual circumstances, such as putting off the surrogate mother from getting expelled from her residence. In essence, this funding would be used to keep up the surrogate’s living protection and comfort during the pregnancy. Any portion of the funds not used would be come back to the intended parents following delivery. While the expenses and emergency money do not appear straight to the surrogate mother, it eases any financial risk to her if the intended parents decide to walk off from the agreement.