Student Generated

If you want to up your Kahoot game, save time creating assessments, and increase student ownership of learning you are in the right place.

Classroom Procedure

  1. Provide a brief in class review of the material a few classes before the assessment.

  2. Provide the student with the digital resources (below) to submit their questions or create their own quiz.

    1. You may want to tell each student to submit a certain number of questions.

    2. You can also have them write the question on paper first, get a peer review, and then submit it.

  3. Students can give feedback on questions as they play. This forces them to use higher order thinking to find the bad questions and answers. They aren’t being graded, so it is a safe place to make mistakes.

    1. Only the teacher will know who submitted what question if they control the spreadsheet.

  4. Allow time for students to review the questions and answers.

Kahoot Instructions

  1. Use the Forms template above to gather your questions from students.

  2. Login and create a new quiz.

3. Title your quiz and give a description.

4. On the next screen, click the Import from spreadsheet link.

5. Click "Select File," find the file on your computer, and click "Upload."

6. Your Quiz is now ready for students to play! Use Kahoot as you normally would.

EXCEL/Sheets Instructions

If you don't want to use the Form to gather your questions you can use the spreadsheet instead. Make a copy of the file above and share with students so that everyone can edit. When you are done, upload it to Kahoot.


  • Students can see each others answers for repeats.

  • Accuracy of questions and answers can be checked before it becomes a quiz.


  • Students can delete other students answers.

  • It can be confusing with a classroom of students typing at the same time on a spreadsheet.