
My research is broadly at the intersection of electromagnetics and integrated circuits.  My research interests are in electromagnetics & antenna theory, integrated circuits, metamaterials/metasurfaces, transformation optics design, and Imaging.  I am interested in advancing end-to-end autonomous communication and sensor systems spanning from microwaves to terahertz frequencies. My research has broad-range of applications in the areas of communications, imaging, biomedical sensing, machine-learning, and edge/node computing. My Phd advisor was Prof. David Schurig. My Phd thesis can be found here.

I am currently an Assistant Professor at North Carolina State University, Electrical and Computer Department. Prior to joining NC State, I was a Research Associate Scholar at Princeton University. I am the recipient of Mistletoe Research Fellowship, 2021.

Please check in Google Scholar or Research Gate for the latest research articles.

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Selected Publications:

1) Metamaterial Devices:

2) Active Integrated Circuits:

3) Computational Imaging & Electrodynamics:

4) Transformation Optics Design:

5) Other Research Activities: