Workshop on Strategic and Utility-aware REcommendations 


Bari, Italy, October 14 2024

Please submit your papers on Easychair using this link and select SURE as the workshop you want to subbmit your paper to. 

Submission deadline is extended to August 19th

Accepted papers will be published in CEUR and indexed by Scopus and DBLP databases.

For inquiries and questions, please contact

We encourage submissions that address the challenges related to situations where there are some kind of utility involved with the recommendations and/or where there are multiple objectives or multiple stakeholders in recommender systems.  The topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to:

Paper Submission Guidelines (please read carefully):

All submissions must be written in English. We will consider three different submission types:

The review process will be single-blind, so please make sure to have the author's names and affiliation in your submission. Each paper will receive two to three reviews from the program committee, according to reviewers' expertise.

Important dates