Research Interests

Effective Field Theory

Effective Field Theory (EFT) is the most suitable framework for studying theories involving a multitude of scales. It finds great utility in describing the physics at the smallest length scales, where the fundamental constituents of our universe interact, as well as the largest scales where supermassive black hole binaries generate gravitational waves.

In the context of particle physics, we encounter several scales such as those associated with the masses of the particles, the ones associated with the breaking as well as the unification of symmetries, and the forces of nature these symmetries correspond to.

I am interested in figuring out how to employ the existing EFT toolkit to better describe the results generated by high energy particle collision experiments and also to develop new tools (theoretical as well as computational) which can help us develop a better understanding of these results.

Beyond Standard Model Physics

The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics has been one of the finest theoretical achievements of the last century. Every prediction made under the umbrella of SM has been substantiated by high energy experiments. But, the converse has not been found to hold true, i.e., the universe displays certain peculiar features which cannot be explained within the purview of the SM. Dark matter, matter-antimatter asymmetry, neutrino mass etc. are a few such features. This has prompted the exploration for "new" or "beyond" Standard Model physics at both the theoretical and experimental levels. On the theory side of things some popular approaches have been the study of simple single-particle extensions of the SM or even more drastic proposals such as Grand Unified Theories (GUT) or Supersymmetry.

I am interested in studying BSM physics in an effective field theoretic setting, or more appropriately in formulating and conducting analyses on BSMEFT. This is based on the assumption that the spectrum of new physics must be non-degenerate with particle masses defining distinct scales. EFT would then be necessary to provide an accurate description of the physics lying between any two such scales. Such an approach would become more and more relevant as new particle resonances are observed at current and future particle colliders.

Symmetries and Lie Groups

The number of particles within the SM is quite large. Yet, studying them becomes quite manageable on account of the fact that these particles fall into some well-defined patterns. These patterns are dictated by the way the particles transform under spacetime symmetries as well as under their own internal symmetries. Mathematically, these symmetries are described by Lie Groups and Lie Algebras and the particles transform as irreducible representations of these groups.

Such symmetries occur not only at the level where a particular model is defined, i.e., at the Lagrangian level but also at the level of observables that are parametrized by scattering amplitudes. The better we understand the mathematics of these symmetries the better we will be able to understand the interactions of observed as well as postulated elementary particles - whether they are matter particles or the mediators of fundamental forces.