
1. THC/N0108: Record guest details for registration

2. THC/N0109: Follow check in procedure and allot room

3. THC/N0107: Attend to guest queries

4. THC/N0110: Perform Cashier activities

5.THC/N9901: Communicate with customer and colleagues

6. THC/N9902: Maintain customer-centric service orientation

7. THC/N9903: Maintain standard of etiquette and hospitable conduct

8. THC/N9904: Follow gender and age sensitive service practices

9. THC/N9905: Maintain IPR of organization and customers

10. THC/N9906: Maintain health and hygiene

11. THC/N9907: Maintain safety at workplace

12. THC/N9909: Learn a foreign or local language(s) including English