About this Surah:

This surah is a Medinan surah and was revealed around the time the Prophet () was returning to Medinah from Hudaybiyyah , a place right outside Mecca. Here Prophet Muhammad () negotiated a pivotal peace treaty agreement with the Quraysh called the treaty of Hudaybiyyah. This helped relieve tensions between the two cities, and affirmed peace for ten years.

Al-Fath (Arabic: , al-fat; meaning: "Victory" , "Triumph") is the 48th chapter (surah) of the Qur'an with 29 verses (ayat). The surah was revealed in Madinah in the sixth year of the Hijrah, on the occasion of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah between the Muslim city-state of Madinah and Makkan polytheists. It mentions this victory, then criticizes the attitudes of the hypocrites, continues with further promises to the Muslims, and ends by mentioning certain important virtues of the Muslim community.[1]

Surah Al Fath

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9. In the Quran generally mention of the rewards for the believers is made collectively and separate mention is not made of the rewards for the men and the women. But here, since the general mention of giving the rewards could cause the doubt that this reward may perhaps be only meant for the men. Allah has made a separate mention of the believing women, saying that they too would be equal partners in this reward with the believing men. The reason is obvious. Those God-fearing women who encouraged their husbands, sons, brothers and fathers to proceed on the dangerous journey instead of stopping them from it and discouraging them by crying and wailing, who looked after their houses, their properties, their honor and children in their absence faithfully, who did not even feel the alarm lest at the sudden departure of 1,400 of the companions the disbelievers and hypocrites of the surrounding areas would attack the city, should certainly have become equal partners with their men in the reward of jihad although they stayed behind in their homes.

This surah has been talked about by so many different ways by so many different people, in relationship with ourselves as an Ummah, and in relationship to our outside world which is constantly being contested and challenged.

And the prophet SAW some of the gentle comes in a disheveled, straight and bruised and in a bad waybecause he's been mistreated at the will and I have his father Sohail who's doing the treaty, who'smuch like still, and he's really harsh with the others. And he's in chains. But he managed to getthere. So he's saying to the to the saga promises and take me with you.

to the office awesome. had to agree and the company is standing by he's, he's saying now withjungle? Are you going to leave me? Are you gonna leave me behind to be punished and put on trial byall these mistakes while they're punishing me and persecuting me? So what are you going to do? Sohe's going to the Sahaba winding them up even more, they're becoming even more like I said to youlast time over actually said he will have a sword killed this father of yours? mushrik. Yeah, soyou'll be rid of him and then we can we didn't listen to him refused to do.

Allah swatara says now from verse 18 love other audio lawani me Nina is you by your own Nakata,Tasha Dara t alima. Murphy kulu being him, the father of the law. Indeed, Allah was pleased with thebelievers when they took a pledge under the tree.

The surahs begin with declaring a victory for the Prophet . Those who pledged their allegiance to the Prophet , it is equivalent to pledging their allegiance to Allaah (SWT), for it seemed that fighting the Quraish would be inevitable. For their willingness to confront the Quraish, Allaah (SWT) rewarded the believers with tranquility and victory. Although once the treaty was drawn, the believers became frustrated as they had to return and come back for Umrah next year, they questioned how can the dream of the Prophet  not be fulfilled. They are told that the dream will indeed be fulfilled, and now the circumstances are more favorable as Quraish is bound by the treaty and will not harm them. ff782bc1db

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