RA-MONEY AND SCIENTOLOGY is the believe that our being as a human being is a result of a reaction that is we are all matter and our state as mater creates the believe that we are all IMMORTALS just as it is said that matter can not be destroyed but can be transformed from one state as in the being of a liquid, solid or gas and also believes any situation that we found ourselves in is also a reaction and so in the normal process of a chemical reaction illustrated bellow


Our bodies are made up of so many chemical elements some in their atomic state and other as compounds and these atoms and compounds react to give our existence as human beings that is we were all created through a chemical reaction but we are not an EVOLUTIONARY creations, but a REVOLUTIONARY creation which copies itself at birth to create new species as a ROTATIONAL creation, that is we were created as a results of the reactions of theses atoms and compounds we are made of in a chemical reaction where the reactants comes first and then catalyst and inhibitor which determines the rate and the direction of the reaction respectively and then products comes last, then using this as a principle of being and also the situation in time and in space, we able to know difficulties which could be due to the direction or the speed at which we accomplish task successful or survive in any living condition.