Please my name is Mucor Dedaliv Ralui, I'm a de facto stateless person of the USA and a victim ofenforce disappearance who's disappearance is being enforced USA government in collaboration with the Government of Ghana, I have a Ghanaian national with national ID number GHA-000228526-5 but my social networks accounts with FACEBOOK, TWITTER, DROPBOX etc. gives my location as some one in Dublin and my nationality as a national of the Republic of Ireland.

I have a case of "LOST IDENTITY" that is I don't have any ID on my parents or grand parents although I was in fact born in the USA.

I wish to know the identity of the person or persons who have qualified me as a national of the Republic of Ireland and wants to live in Republic of Ireland, since I'm being treated as a prisoner due to the victimization of the enforce disappearance by the Government of the USA on me.

A "KILL SWITCH" has been installed on my phone since 2013, which at first gave a dark radiance and now gives a white radiance and I don't know the source of this "KILL SWITCH".

my social network account on FACEBOOK AND TWITTER ARE BELLOW:

My phone numbers that I use to register for the 2 step verification of accounts on these social networks are +233570375428, +233204509525, +233549681990 but you can call me on+233570375428.

Attached are the scanned copies of my national id.