Supratim Shit

B-512, IIIT Delhi, India.     supratim[dot]shit[at]gmail[dot]com    Google Scholar     Linkedin

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I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi. I have spent a few years as a postdoctoral fellow at Haifa, Israel. I was honored to be hosted by Prof. Dan Feldman (Haifa University) and Prof. Nir Ailon (Technion). Prior to this, I earned my PhD from the Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar in the Department of Computer Science. I was very fortunate to have Prof. Anirban Dasgupta as my advisor, with whom I worked on streaming coresets for various machine learning algorithms.


My research focuses on improving the efficiency of various machine learning and deep learning algorithms by constructing coresets (data or model summarizations with provable theoretical guarantees). I am interested in theoretical and practical use cases of different coreset construction frameworks. I also have a keen interest in constructing coresets for fair machine learning algorithms.

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