SuperVirtual 2021

- From Common to Exotic Transients -

A virtual conference on supernovae and related transients

15-19 November 2021

2pm - 5:05pm UTC

virtually anywhere


19 November 2021 - a summary of the talk selection procedure is available here.

12 November 2021 - Zoom and Slack information was sent to registered participants. If you did not get our message, please check your SPAM box first.

29 October 2021 - conference program released

24 October 2021 - The conference talks will be given at 2pm - 5pm UTC. The program will be released by the end of October.

11 September 2021 - abstract submission closed and 152 abstracts were submitted

16 August 2021 - information on invited speakers added

10 July 2021 - registration and abstract submission opened

30 June 2021 - pre-registration opened

28 June 2021 - webpage opened

Important dates

10 July 2021 - registration and abstract submission open

10 September 2021- deadline for abstract submission

October 2021 - program announcement

15-19 November 2021 - virtual conference

Invited speakers

Please check the Invited Speakers page.

Organization committee

Joe Anderson (European Southern Observatory, Chile)

Melina Cecilia Bersten (National University of La Plata, Argentina), Co-Chair

Janet Ting-Wan Chen (Stockholm University, Sweden)

Morgan Fraser (University Collage Dublin, Ireland)

Raffaella Margutti (University of California, Berkeley, USA)

Takashi Moriya (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Japan), Co-Chair