Nonetheless, fans continued to campaign for the film, including Birmingham, England native Dharmesh Chauhan who launched his website,, in which he petitioned for a release of the Richard Donner cut.[37] In May 2004, the Planet of the Apes fansite launched an Internet campaign demanding Warner Bros. to allow Donner to release his version of Superman II in conjunction with the film's 25th anniversary.[38] On June 19, 2004, the studio responded with the statement, "Warner Home Video is supportive of an extended version of Superman II on DVD. However, there are complex legal issues that need to be resolved before the film can be re-released. Warner Home Video is presently addressing those issues."[39] That same month, Margot Kidder said in an interview for Starlog: "There's a whole other Superman II in a vault somewhere, with scenes of Chris and me that have never seen the light of day. It's far better than the one that was released."[40]

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You should upgrade or use an alternative browser.Superman II - The Expanded Richard Donner CutThread starterBobson DugnuttStart dateApr 25, 202112Next1 of 2Go to pageGoNext  Last Bobson DugnuttWell-known memberFaneditorMessages1,554Reaction score972Trophy Points133Apr 25, 2021#1{"lightbox_close": "Close","lightbox_next": "Next","lightbox_previous": "Previous","lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.","lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow","lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow","lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen","lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails","lightbox_download": "Download","lightbox_share": "Share","lightbox_zoom": "Zoom","lightbox_new_window": "New window","lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"}

Superman II has had it's history of different cuts both official (Theatrical, TV Cuts, Donner and the Vudu/iTunes Donner Cut) and unofficial (Green Cut, Restored International, Booshman, etc.) so it's nothing new to redit the film.

This uses the Donner cut as a base, but adding back in footage from the Theatrical Cut (and other sources) where it's not terrible or just expands the film in a good way. There's no Paris terrorist attack, East Idaho antics, Bear rug, memory erasing kiss or any other terrible Lester scenes. I aimed to purely add back scenes that don't comprimise the film or what Donner had shot. I didn't want to replace scenes.


Theatrical Cut (TC)

Donner Cut Vudu/iTunes (RDV)

Deleted Scene (DS)


- shot of ursla flying on the moon (TC)

- longer shot of Zod pulling the Soviet Cosmonaut (TC)

- added establishing shot of "Metropolis, NY" (TC)

- added longer shot of the Prison Guard (played by Gold Leader) walking past the cells (TC)

- added Guard walking back in front of Lex's projector a 2nd time (TC)

- added Lex and Miss Teschmacher waving at Otis as they leave the prison (TC)

- added Lex and Miss Teschmacher on their snowmobile as they discuss the Fortress (DS)

- added extended Jor-El dialogue as he aludes to the fact that the Phantom Zone may be cracked open, and the villians may escape (RDV)

- extended post-Jor-El hologram as Lex talks to himself as Miss Teschmacher finds the Fortress' toilet (RDV)

- added Lois realising that Clark wasn't around for Superman saving the kid falling from Niagra Falls (TC)

- added Lex and Miss Teschmacher riding on their snowmobile back from the Fortress, but picking up readings on the three Kryptonians (DS)

- added Superman showing Lois around the Fortress, after which he goes shopping for something to eat (TC)

- added the East Idaho Sheriff telling the Deputy "if you wanna be a peacemaker, you gotta kick ass" (TC/RDV)

- added longer shot of Zod lasering his shotgun (TC)

- added Zod calling the shotgun a noisemaker and throwing it under the car (TC/RDV)

- added Lois and Superman making a super-soufflee (DS/RDV)

- added extended dinner with Lois and Superman (TC/RDV)

- added extended shot of the news reporter as he has an extra line of dialogue (TC/RDV)

- added Non using his heat vision a 2nd time, with the Jeep now crashing through the building (TC/RDV)

- added a bar patreon escaping the building that Zod set on fire, with a quick exchange between Ursla and Zod (TC/RDV)

- added the reporter commenting on the military as they ready to attack the Kryptonians (TC/RDV)

- added extended version of the helicoptor approaching (TC/RDV)

- added extra close-up of Ursla walking towards Zod as they're being shot upon (TC)

- added extended version of Ursla blowing the helicoptor into the barn (TC/RDV)

- added extended close-up of Ursla in the Oval Office before Lex walks in (TC)

- added theatrical version of Clark finding the Green Crystal to the Donner re-powering scene due to continuity with an earlier added Theatrical scene (TC)

- recoloured both scenes to match one-another

- added extra shot of Lex walking into the Daily Planet offices (TC)

- added Theatrical version of Superman approaching the Daily Planet (TC)

- added extra shot of Zod flying (TC)

- added Zod telling Non and Ursla to get Superman (TC)

- added shot of the crowd cheering on Superman (TC)

- added extra shot of Superman carrying the tower (TC)

- added extended scene of Zod blowing up cars (TC)

- added extra close-up of Zod using his heat vision on the truck (TC)

- added Ursla telling Non to lift the bus, with some extended shots of them doing so (TC)

- added extended shot of the bus passengers escaping the capsized bus (TC)

- added Ursla telling Zod they should take Lois to the Fortress as she grabs her around the throat (TC)

- added the Kryptonians trying and failing to get into the Fortress, before resorting to brute force (DS)

- added the US Polar Patrol arresting Lex outside of the Fortress as he pleads with Superman (DS)

- added Jimmy showing off his new camera to Clark as he also gets shoved by a bully at the Daily Planet, reminding him of the Diner patreon (DS)

Donner Cut - 1:55:52

Extended DC - 2:07:31

Time Added - 11:39

I haven't finished editing yet, I've only done the basic visual edit, slotting back in all the material that I wanted to use, none of the audio work has been done yet.

Here's a first pass at trying to get the Lester Fortress to look like the Donner one

Here's roughly what I'm trying to match (the Donner footage)

It's not perfect yet, but close. The continuity with the blood and bruises isn't dead on either, but I might try to fix it somehow. Ebsynth maybe?

I've also done work to upscale the SD Deleted Scenes to HD and they don't look bad.

Colour work is still yet to finalise, and the audio is way off, but it's always a WIP. Hopefully one day the SMII TV Cut will dee the light of day on Blu-Ray, much like how the SM1 TV Cut did, so that I could use those scenes, but alas that's unlikely for now. Last edited: Jun 4, 2021Reactions:Cisco Andrade, bionicbob, AngusBurger22 and 1 other person asterixsmeagolWell-known memberDonorFaneditorMessages1,920Reaction score849Trophy Points128Apr 25, 2021#2I've never actually seen the Donner Cut. Is it really that big of an improvement over the Theatrical Cut? Are all digital version of the DC the "iTunes/Vudu" version you mentioned? Is that different from the DVD version? Bobson DugnuttWell-known memberFaneditorMessages1,554Reaction score972Trophy Points133Apr 25, 2021#3asterixsmeagol said:I've never actually seen the Donner Cut. Is it really that big of an improvement over the Theatrical Cut? Are all digital version of the DC the "iTunes/Vudu" version you mentioned? Is that different from the DVD version?Click to expand...

I would say it's very much an improvement over the Theatrical Cut, as it matches Superman: The Movie far more and the Lois/Superman relationship is a lot better. Adding Brando back in gives it a little more gravitas and continuity with the first film more. The score has been redone, sound effects, visual effects, a lot of editing done from scratch, it's the Snyder Cut of it's day. 

The Vudu/iTunes release of the film is an extended Donner Cut that is different to the DVD/Blu-Ray. It adds most of the East Idaho antics from the three Kryptonians, as well as some more stuff with Lex/Teshmacher in the Fortress, as well as one scene that was only added in TV Cuts and presented as a deleted scene on the Donner Blu-Ray. I don't think every digital retailer has this strange version, but iTunes and Vudu definitly still do. Reactions:AngusBurger22 The Danger ZoneWell-known memberMessages1,176Reaction score253Trophy Points98Apr 26, 2021#4I haven't seen the Green Cut. Bobson DugnuttWell-known memberFaneditorMessages1,554Reaction score972Trophy Points133May 1, 2021#5Motleys Fanedits said:I haven't seen the Green Cut.Click to expand...Niether have I, but it was created as a prelude to the RIC, adding back most TV scenes but not all.

Here's my version of the re-powering scene, with a bit of regrading to match in the theatrical footage.

And also the new upscaled ending, with Luthor's arrest

 Reactions:bionicbob AngusBurger22Well-known memberFaneditorMessages50Reaction score30Trophy Points38May 1, 2021#6asterixsmeagol said:I've never actually seen the Donner Cut. Is it really that big of an improvement over the Theatrical Cut? Are all digital version of the DC the "iTunes/Vudu" version you mentioned? Is that different from the DVD version?Click to expand...As someone who doesn't like either Lester or Donner cuts of Superman II, I prefer Donner's due to the extended white house scene, in all its glory. They both feel like the original vision was left unfinished, cobbled together with different pieces completed by other people (Theatrical: Donner->Lester) (DC: Donner->Thau). Bobson Dugnutt mentioned the great parts, so I'll mention Donner has more Lex dialogue, which fall flat for me. And if you really scrutinize them back to back, you'll notice couple different takes of the same scene (kryptonians @ daily planet)

Biggest debated difference on the internet: do you prefer Lois finding out about Superman's secret identity via pink bear trip? or do you prefer Lois finding out on her own (which can also be pretty ridiculous)

also no cellophane S lol ZariusWell-known memberFaneditorMessages6,888Reaction score783Trophy Points153May 1, 2021#7AngusBurger22 said:Biggest debated difference on the internet: do you prefer Lois finding out about Superman's secret identity via pink bear trip? or do you prefer Lois finding out on her own (which can also be pretty ridiculous)Click to expand...How is it ridiculous? It's a credit to her intelligence. Reactions:MusicEd921 AngusBurger22Well-known memberFaneditorMessages50Reaction score30Trophy Points38May 1, 2021#8Zarius said:How is it ridiculous? It's a credit to her intelligence.Click to expand...That aspect, I love. Her upfront investigating and figuring Clark out is in line with Lois from the comics and other media. How she goes about it though, jumping off a building is a HUGE leap of faith, and suggests some sort of psychosis. Lester really should've just re-filmed the same scene but tweak / cut that part. Also Clark is a troll (Lois, what have you done?!)

The gun contradicts Superman I. If Superman can see the bullet from that mugger and catch it in front of Lois with his hand, he should've seen her firing a blank and know there's no bullet. Then he could've acted like "omg, i'm still alive" then "Lois wtf" Reactions:ZariusT tylerdurden389Well-known memberMessages900Reaction score29Trophy Points28May 1, 2021#9I think if Donner had finished the film, and he actually "shot" (hehe) the blank bullets scene, there would've obviously been additional dialogue, and I'd imagine it would've something at least a little similar to Superman subconsciously "outing" himself to Lois, because deep down he really wanted to.

As for what we got, I think Selutron came up with a decent compromise (though granted, the effects definitely don't look as good as they did in 240p back in 2007 when he was making all these edits):

 Reactions:AngusBurger22 bionicbobWell-known memberDonorFaneditorMessages8,110Reaction score2,085Trophy Points168May 2, 2021#10Looks really good!

What program are you using to Upscale the deleted scenes? They look pretty impressive! WraithWell-known memberDonorFaneditorMessages2,166Reaction score2,510Trophy Points133May 2, 2021#11Can't wait to see this and agree. the up-scaling is impressive. That split screen is probably achievable with the material available, maybe there is a roto expert in the community that could pitch in? AngusBurger22Well-known memberFaneditorMessages50Reaction score30Trophy Points38May 2, 2021#12tylerdurden389 said:I think if Donner had finished the film, and he actually "shot" (hehe) the blank bullets scene, there would've obviously been additional dialogue, and I'd imagine it would've something at least a little similar to Superman subconsciously "outing" himself to Lois, because deep down he really wanted to.

As for what we got, I think Selutron came up with a decent compromise (though granted, the effects definitely don't look as good as they did in 240p back in 2007 when he was making all these edits):Click to expand...Whoa. This is an all out crazy edit, blows my mind. Cool to see fan cuts from back in the day.

Yea, shame with all the behind the scenes politics bs. Always wondered how Donner would've filmed this scene for real - I'd like to believe the script would've been revised since it's from early audition footage.

Been musing about a superman sequel fan edit for quite some time, but can never make a decision about these particular scenes. Piquing my interest again after finding this thread. I hate the pink bear rug with a passion of 100 Krypton suns, but do concede it's well-acted schmaltz (basically a template for the CW DC shows). Seems most people here prefer gun slingin' Lois heathen3017Well-known memberMessages248Reaction score41Trophy Points43May 2, 2021#13Bobson Dugnutt said:

Superman II has had it's history of different cuts both official (Theatrical, TV Cuts, Donner and the Vudu/iTunes Donner Cut) and unofficial (Green Cut, Restored International, Booshman, etc.) so it's nothing new to redit the film.

This uses the Donner cut as a base, . There's no Paris terrorist attack, East Idaho antics, Bear rug, memory erasing kiss or any other terrible Lester scenes.


Theatrical Cut (TC)

Donner Cut Vudu/iTunes (RDV)

Deleted Scene (DS)


- added the East Idaho Sheriff telling the Deputy "if you wanna be a peacemaker, you gotta kick ass" (TC/RDV)Click to expand...

Bobson Dugnutt said:The Vudu/iTunes release of the film is an extended Donner Cut that is different to the DVD/Blu-Ray. It adds most of the East Idaho antics from the three Kryptonians, as well as some more stuff with Lex/Teshmacher in the Fortress, as well as one scene that was only added in TV Cuts and presented as a deleted scene on the Donner Blu-Ray. I don't think every digital retailer has this strange version, but iTunes and Vudu definitly still do.Click to expand...

Just curious... which is it? You mention above that this release will not have any East Idaho antics, but yet you add a scene with East Idaho Sheriff. Then you further go on to describe that the iTunes Extended Donner cut includes East Idaho antics and you list that as a source, yet you do not list them as having been removed.

Since it's an extended Donnor Cut, I hope that the East Idaho antics can be left in, especially in light of the added Sheriff scene. bionicbobWell-known memberDonorFaneditorMessages8,110Reaction score2,085Trophy Points168May 3, 2021#14Question.... when you use an Upscaler, can it clean up dirt and scratches from a deleted scene, or do those just become even more emphasized? Reactions:MusicEd921 and Jrzag42 Bobson DugnuttWell-known memberFaneditorMessages1,554Reaction score972Trophy Points133May 6, 2021#15tylerdurden389 said:I think Selutron came up with a decent compromise (though granted, the effects definitely don't look as good as they did in 240p back in 2007 when he was making all these edits):Click to expand...

This is alright in concept, but the excecution here obviously isn't perfect. The Lois shots aren't bad but the compositing isn't great these days. 

bionicbob said:Looks really good!

What program are you using to Upscale the deleted scenes? They look pretty impressive!Click to expand...I use Topaz Video Enhance AI v1.9 to upscale any SD to HD clips or scenes

bionicbob said:Question.... when you use an Upscaler, can it clean up dirt and scratches from a deleted scene, or do those just become even more emphasized?Click to expand...Sometimes the dirt and scratches are small and just disappear with the upscale, but mostly it just becomes more prominant. Apparently Avisynth can clean them up but I've tried many times to get the program to work and its never worked

heathen3017 said:Just curious... which is it? You mention above that this release will not have any East Idaho antics, but yet you add a scene with East Idaho Sheriff. Then you further go on to describe that the iTunes Extended Donner cut includes East Idaho antics and you list that as a source, yet you do not list them as having been removed.

Since it's an extended Donnor Cut, I hope that the East Idaho antics can be left in, especially in light of the added Sheriff scene.Click to expand...

The "official Extended Donner Cut" includes their rampage through the town, the arm wrestling and killing the kid on the horse and all that. But I've opted not to use any of that since Donner never did. Reactions:bionicbob Bobson DugnuttWell-known memberFaneditorMessages1,554Reaction score972Trophy Points133May 6, 2021#16Here's a poster for the edit, hopefully being released on Monday

 Reactions:Zarius and bionicbob WraithWell-known memberDonorFaneditorMessages2,166Reaction score2,510Trophy Points133May 7, 2021#17Hi

I am REALLY looking forward to this. Hoop28New memberMessages3Reaction score0Trophy Points6May 17, 2021#18Not to be pushy or rush you, but are there any updates on this project? H hnahiniWell-known memberMessages50Reaction score2Trophy Points8May 21, 2021#19Yeah me too! It looks like this edit will be a truly amazing film experience! Just cleaning the artic scene already looks great! Hoop28New memberMessages3Reaction score0Trophy Points6May 22, 2021#20hnahini said:Yeah me too! It looks like this edit will be a truly amazing film experience! Just cleaning the artic scene already looks great!Click to expand...Same! The most widely available version of the Donner Cut feels incredibly barebones to me- lacking many great character moments and scenes that Donner shot for Superman II. The Vudu/iTunes/Amazon Video Cut restores some of these scenes, but still doesn't go far enough in my eye in making the Donner Cut feel like a proper complete movie, and not just a workprint/assembly cut. Bobson seems to be doing this- attempting to create the most polished (and longest) version of Donner's SII that can be made. 12Next1 of 2Go to pageGoNext  LastYou must log in or register to reply here.Share:FacebookTwitterRedditPinterestTumblrWhatsAppEmailShareLinkFanedit DiscussionsFanedits - Fixes, Mixes & TVContact usTerms and rulesPrivacy policyHelpHomeRSSCommunity platform by XenForo  2010-2022 XenForo was originally created and run by boon23

Superman Ii Donner Cut 1080p 41



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