Superlife Stc30 Review

Superlife Stc30

Superlife Stc30 is a natural health supplement. It’s a plant based food therapy that helps manage the body and prevents you from different health conditions, Superlife Stc30 is the most powerful stem-cell supplement available now.

They have 15 sachets in one box, you can take it for one month and see the result and you will give testimony about the product, taking it for one month means you have to buy two boxes that are 30 sachets for 30 days

STC30 (stem cell) active ingredients

Black Currant Extract

Helps in the areas of cognitive, neurological, cardiovascular, eye and joint health. Improves blood flow and develops a healthy immune system

Bilberry Extract

Improves eyesight and helps in treating CFS, haemorrhoids, diabetes, osteoarthritis, gout, skin infections, gastrointestinal disorders, kidney disease and UTI

PhytoCellTec solar vitis

Grape Stem cell derived from a rare grape cultivar with high tannin levels to protect skin stem cells against UV stress and fight photo-aging

Glisodin Gliadin

Promotes the production of body's natural antioxidant system, supports healthy immune function and protects against oxidative stress

Glisodin Cantaloupe

Helps to reduce cellular oxidative damage, support cellular antioxidant defenses, and maintain cardiovascular health and healthy blood vessels

PhytoCellTec Malus Domestica

Apple stem cells derived from the lithwiler Spatlauber; a rare Swiss Apple to protect the longevity of skin stem cells and combat chronological aging

If you are facing any health challenges, feel free to send us a DM on WhatsApp, we will be there to assist you.

We have a lot of products in superlife and other companies that helps you become healthy.

Are you someone who is trying to lose weight we have a product called SCC that will help you to lose weight easily. SCC has been helping a lot of people to lose weight and they are giving testimonies

If you want to lose weight SCC is for you, it will help you lose weight fast and easy. Feel free to click the WhatsApp botten and we will be there to help you, no matter how fat you are.

Benefits of STC30

There are many benefits of STC30, but I will mention only a few of them.

Benefits of STC30 are:

1. STC30 has their ability to self renew or multiply while maintaining the body to develop into other types of cells

2. STC30 optimize your health

3. STC30 slows your aging process

4. It can become any type of cells in the body

5. It reduces joint pain

6. It boosts bedroom performance

7. It boosts your immunity

8. It replace dead cells in the body

9. STC30 repairs damaged cells

10. It brings the body to normal functionality

11. STC30 helps in cleaning the blood

12. It helps those that has sickle cell

13. STC30 prevent cancer from your body when taking it

14. It prevents diseases from the body

15. It helps prevent stomach ucer

16. It helps prevent impotency

17. STC30 prevent skin Infection

18. It also helps in liver problem

STC30 has many benefits, but this is the only once I will mention.

To know more you can contact us.

Side Effect of Stc30 Supplement.

Everything that has benefits must surely have side effects. Superlife Stc30 has it’s own side effects, but not everyone who takes the supplement experience the side effects. Only a few experience the effect of Stc30, so you don’t need to be afraid of taking the supplement.

The side effect of Stc30 are:

1. Fever

You may experience fever when you start taking the Stc30 supplement, after a few days, it will stop. Then your body will adjust to the medicine.

2. You may experience headaches while taking the supplement and it will stop after a few days

NOTE: A pregnant woman cannot take a stc30 supplement. It’s only for those who are not pregnant

Superlife STC30 supplement is something that have really helped a lot of women in their hair growth. STC30 supplement makes your hair grow faster than before.

This product has been helping a lot, for years now, and many people uses the product for hair growth. I have a friend who used this product for two weeks and her hair started growing more than before. If you are a woman and your hair is not growing fast, this should be the reason be the reason why you need to buy this product. Superlife company has a lot of products that helps in many diseases. If you are someone who is looking for other products of superlife company, feel free to contact us on WhatsApp, we are always available to answer you at anytime .

When you register as a star Superlife will give you two parks of STC30

When you register as a supreme Superlife will then give you ten parks of STC30

While for those that registered as a Super Superlife gives them twenty-two parks of STC30

So what are the price of each package

1. As a star you have to pay 60,500 naira

2. As a supreme you have to pay 302, 500 naira

3. As a super you have to pay 605,000 naira

Superlife works worldwide, it doesn’t matter the country you are from, If you need the product or maybe you are thinking is not available in your country, just send us a message on WhatsApp or Telegram and we will tell you if we can bring it to your country or not.

Does Stc30 Supplement work for fertility?

Stc30 supplement helps cure infertility and boost your immune system very fast. Stem-cell is self-renewing, Stem-cell raised hope in the field of reproductive. If you have someone who is having a problem with infertility, Send us a DM on WhatsApp and we will be ready to help him or her. Superlife Stc30 Supplement is the solution to his or her problem. 20% of couples are really facing this kind of problem, we have thousands of testimonies about this product called Stc30 Supplement

This is the box of Stc30

STC30 IS THE ORIGIN OF STEM CELLS IN THE TREATMENT and PREVENTION OF DISEASES. One of the fundamental qualities of foundational microorganisms is their capacity to self-restore or duplicate while keeping up with the possibility to form into different kinds of cells. Immature microorganisms can become cells of the heart, kidney, liver, bones, skin, mind, muscle, and so on they can turn out to be any sort of cell in the body. Superlife Stc30 Stem cells is can address a few illnesses conditions

If you are wiped out, get SUPERLIFE items to improve your own wellbeing. Everybody can take it. Truth be told, it is suggested everybody take something like two little boxes of STC30 from SUPERLIFE in your life for your own wellbeing. For any ailment take Superlife STC30 item from as a SUPPLEMENT notwithstanding your standard prescriptions for somewhere around 90 days

Enabled TO ADDRERESS SEVERAL HEALTH CONDITION, Superlife Stc30 is engaged to address a few ailments when taken effectively SLOWS Aging PROCESS AND PROMOTE CELL REGENERATION. it additionally manages the admission of sugar and fat accordingly CONTROLING BODY WEIGHT.It STRENHTENS YOUR IMMUNE SYTEM AND PROTECT YOUR BODY AGAINST DISEASES

IT REJUVENATES THE BODY: It gives you another rent of life, another strength, another energy. Your Youthfulness is reestablished. You become fiery once more. There are such countless corresponding reports from every one of our customers overall looking more youthful than they were previously and with an abrupt increase in strength/energy, force and dexterity.

IT DETOXIFIES THE BODY:* The main task of STC30 in your body is Detoxification which incorporates yet no restricted to flushing out amassed ill will, water and other dissolvable and insoluble poisons from the body. That is the reason we inform to drink bounty regarding water while utilizing STC30, no less than 2 Liters of water.


The Stem Cells in your body are unspecialized cells with the capacity to change into any of the 220 or more cells of the human body. It has the ability to modify any platelets, tissues, or organs in the body to their ordinary capacity.

There is an extremely appeal for SuperLife STC30 on account of its dynamic method of digestion and tasks in the body, in contrast to other elective wellbeing arrangements.

The science behind the working of STC30 is that as a StemCell Activator, it can take any type of the 220 or more cells in the body, veins, tissues, organs in your body and reconstruct them to their typical capacities.


The principal task of STC30 in your body is Detoxification which incorporates yet not restricted to flushing out aggregated ill will, water, and other solvent and insoluble poisons from the body. That is the reason we educate drinking bounty concerning water while utilizing STC30, somewhere around 2 Liters of water.


It's anything but another rent of life, another strength, another energy. Your Youthfulness is reestablished. You become fiery once more. There are such countless free reports from every one of our customers overall looking more youthful than they were previously and with an abrupt increase in strength/energy, power and dexterity.


By actuating the Stem Cells in your body, these Stem Cells get signals from the cerebrum and goes to fix each harmed Blood Cells/Vessels, Tissues, or Organs of the body any place such is found. The Healing and Recovery measure is Gradual, Comprehensive, Holistic, and extremely powerful.

If you want to join Superlife or you want to buy the product, we will need some things from you before we can register you, so what are the details that are required? Check the registration form below


1. Your Full Name:

2. Your Username:

3. Date of birth:

4. Gender:

5. Valid Email:

6. Phone number:

7. ID Number:

8. Physical Address:

9. City:

10. Registration package name & amount:

Kindly attach a photo of your valid ID

Are you suffering from fibroid, glaucoma, infertility, impotence, asthma, skin disease, kidney problem, cancer of all types, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, goiter, leukemia, Rheumatism, arthristis, etc? worry no more Stc30 is here for you. Stc30 cures from the cellular level right to completion.

We have all kinds of weight loss products.

You can click on the WhatsApp link or Telegram @Kelvinjosgu button below.

Click here to send us a message on WhatsApp or message us on Telegram @Kelvinjosgu

Superlife has products like SNC, Amino Acid Complex, SIC, SCC15, Do Root Coffee, and SCC. I don't have much time to be mentioning the products, but let me tell you a little about the ones I have mentioned. Before I start I will like to talk more about the STC30 I have been talking about for a long now.

STC30 helps in kidney problems. Kidney problem is something that has affected many people today and STC30 is the cure to any kind of kidney problem.

Does STC30 help those who have cancer? Capital letter "YES" is the answer to that question.

The way STC30 helps in cancer disease is so amazing that you will start doing research about what they used in making the product. When someone who has a cancer disease starts taking STC30, it starts killing all the cells that the person has in the body and starts building new cells that are strong and that will make cancer in your body die off. There was a woman I know that used STC30 for her cancer. I cannot upload her picture here, because it will look somehow if I do it without her permission. But if you need it I can send if you send me a message on WhatsApp. I can also you a video if you want. But please if you don't have cancer don't ask for it.

Still, on the STC30, STC30 helps those who have a stroke

Some people might not know what stroke is.

Let me tell you how to know someone who has a stroke

Stroke is when the blood in your body stops flowing the way it's supposed to, suddenly the person losses speech, the body of the person is always weak or paralysis of one side of the body and the person cannot walk around his or her compound.

STC30 is the solution to any kind of stroke. STC30 will make those problems that a person is facing when he or she has a stroke to stop on time. It will make your blood flow the normal way it's supposed to, STC30 helps keep the body in the normal way is supposed.

Let's talk about the other product that superlife has, which is SNC. SNC is one of the products of superlife company.

How does SNC work?

SNC is a powerful supplement that helps to rejuvenate vision and cognitive functions. SNC increases the number of circulating stem cells.

You can only take one sachet of SNC once a day, but you have to take it continues until is finished.

So how do you get your money back after registration, it’s very simple and easily

Super has three membership packages which is the Star, Supreme and Super

When you register as a Star member in Superlife Company

As soon as you register as a star member of superlife, when you bring in someone that register as a star package Superlife pays you 16,500 naira for bringing only one person and when you bring in two people to superlife you get 33,000 naira and you will also pays you pairing bonus of 8,800 for bringing two people to the company, that is very much amazing just by bringing two people you get a total of 41,800

When a Star member registers a Supreme member in Superlife Company

When a Star member registers a Supreme member he/she get 55,000 naira just to refer only one person and when he/she brings in two people to Superlife, he/she gets 110,000 and Superlife will also pays him/her a pairing bonus for bringing two people into super company, that means the referrer is getting 118,800 or even more

When a Star member registers a Super member in Superlife Company

When a star brings a person and the person registers as a Super member of Superlife, the person referring the Super member will get a commission of 118,250 naira just to bring a Super member into Superlife world, that is very much amazing and when the Star member refers two people and both of them registers as a Super member of Superlife. Superlife will then him/her a commission of 236,500 naira by bringing two people into Superlife, can’t you see that Superlife will make you rich within a short period of time? Superlife is the best Investing platform in the world right now, They give you more than what you invested. When you register they give you products that worth the money you paid for and then when you start bringing people into Superlife, you start earning money that you will never make in other platform.

Join Superlife today if you want to make money and become meaningful in life, this is the best and Only opportunity you will have, so grab it right now and send me a DM on WhatsApp let’s chat so you can grab your opportunity now, hurry up there is no time to waste right now many people are joining Superlife world and it’s your turn to join right now, people are bringing testimonies to us. It doesn’t matter which country you are from, what matters is you grab the opportunity to help your future, and the good thing about Superlife is that when your referrers are bringing people into Superlife, Superlife will still be giving you some Commission for encouraging your referrers to bring more people, even when you are not working you will still be getting a commission. Is that not amazing? So this is the only opportunity you will have, don’t waste your time working for someone, be your own boss and you will be successful.

The good thing about Superlife is that you will have the freedom to do whatever you feel like doing, you can wake up and feel like staying at home and you will still be working and earning money, many people who are doing this business work from home and saying “YES” to superlife doesn’t mean that you will live the work that you are doing, you can decide that you will be working one hour or two hours in a day, the next day you do it again, before three months you are going to see results.

At least you have neighbors around you, you can recommend it to them. Saving life is the main aim.

Superlife is a networking business that allows you to earn passive Income. I know you may be thinking what is networking business. A networking business, is a business know as MLM. It is a legitimate business opportunities that allows you to bring in people to the company after testing their products and earn a commission from them. You can bring in people who are business minded that are ready to start a successful business and you can build your down line with it. When you have business minded people as your down line, company start paying you some commission weekly or monthly, even when you are not working, how this work is that when the people you registered under you start doing registrations for people and start making money, the company pays you a commission for bringing progress to the company and encouraging them to start the business and teaching them on how they can find people who are sick that really need the products to buy.


The reason why I choose network marketing is that, it doesn’t have end. You can bring as many as many people as possible the more you bring in people to purchase a product, the more money you make. When you bring someone after purchasing the product the company pays you some percentage from the money the person pays and when that person bring in someone you earn a little commission for encouraging him/her.

When you bring in as plenty people as possible you can earn more from them. Let’s assume you are earning $2 from (Mr A) when you didn’t do anything and you have a least fifty people in your downline who are really working, not the lazy ones, then you will be earning $100 weekly or monthly depending on how the people in your downline are really working.

Let’s Talk About How A Supreme Member Can Make Money In Superlife

When a Supreme member registers a Star member in Superlife Company

As a supreme member of Superlife, you have to pay 302,500 naira for registration.

NOTE: Please if you are not Nigeria you convert it to your country currency or ask Google and will get the amount in your own currency to know the exact amount so that you can register in Superlife World, If you cannot convert it you can send me a DM on WhatsApp I will be there to help you anytime.

When someone register as a Supreme member of Superlife, and then bring someone who registers as a Star member of Superlife, the person is going to get 16,500 for bringing someone who registers as a Star and when he/she brings two people in superlife he gets 33,000 naira and Superlife will also give him/her a pairing bonus.

Let’s Talk About When a Supreme member registers a Supreme member in Superlife Company

As a Supreme member of Superlife-world, When you bring in someone who is a Supreme, Superlife pays you 96,250 and when you bring in two people, you get times two and also they gives you pairing bonus. I will talk about the pairing bonus later

How much does Supreme make when he/she brings someone that registers as a super?

When a supreme member of superlife-world brings someone and the person registers as a super, the person gets a commission of 140,250 naira that’s lovely, When a Supreme member brings in three persons he/she gets more what he/she invested.

Now we will be talking about the Super member of Superlife

As a Super member you have to pay 605,000 and they will give you products that worth the money you payed for, each product cost 33,000 and they are giving you 22 parks of Stc30 and if you sell it that amount you are getting 726,000 back and you have to bring in people if you want to make money on Superlife. If a Super member brings in someone that register as a star member the person will be given a commission of 16,500 which is not two big but manageable.

When a Super member registers a Supreme member in Superlife Company

When a super brings in a supreme into Superlife he/she gets a commission of 96,250.

Let’s talk about the most amazing part in superlife world

The most amazing part of superlife world is when a super comes to superlife and brings in someone that registers as a super member of superlife, he/she will be given a commission of 192,500 naira that really wonderful, just by bringing three super member in superlife you have gotten more than what you have invested because you will get a pairing bonus

How much can I make with superlife?

1. As a star member you can make up to 36,036,000 naira in one year.

2. As a supreme member of superlife you can make up to 180,180,000 naira in a year.

3. As a super member of superlife you can get up to 360,360,000 naira in a year.

NOTE: Superlife pays in dollar, if you live in a country that doesn’t use naira, you can convert it to your own currency and secondly you cannot get all that result if you don’t put in the work.

What are the pairing bonus of each membership?

1. As a star you get 8,800 naira for bringing two stars

2. When you are a supreme member of superlife you get 44,000 naira for bringing two supreme members.

3. A super member get 88,000 naira as pairing bonus

Superlife leadership rank

Let’s start from the lowest

1. Leader 5k USD

2. Supphine Leader 10k USD

3. Ruby Leader 25k USD

4. Emerald Leader 50k USD

5. Crown Diamond 100k USD

6. Double Crown Diamond 150k USD

7. Triple Crown Diamond 250k USD

8. Crown Ambassador (I) 500k USD

9. Crown Ambassador (II) 750k USD

10. Super Crown Ambassador (I) 1M USD

11. Super Crown Ambassador (II) 1.5M USD

12. Found Ambassador 2M USD

Being a Superlife member is a good thing.

We have a lot of testimonies from superlife products, boosting your immuene system should be the reason why you need to join superlife, when you register they will give you product that will help you boost your health, you can use it to help your sisters, brothers, mother, father, cousins, grandmother, grandfather and all your relations. Someone might be sick in your family, you can introduce a product of superlife that you know it will help him or her recover from the sickness.

How to be a successful network marketer

You need to choose a company that you want to work with, and also you choose a product that you know you can sell very well, and how the product can benefit the people you are selling it to.

Learning how to be a successful network marketer will help you a lot in your network marketing business.

First you need to learn to be real. When selling your products, you need to be real and always real. When you are selling your products don’t over sell them, superlife stc30 has been the best product and their other products, if you sell a little and they see how it goes, they will always come back to buy another product from you and they will always give testimonies about the product, that’s the most amazing part in Superlife products. Be genuine to your customers; always explain the good side and the bad side of the product you are selling allow them to make their own choices.

Secondly, you need to be consistent

Consistency matters in network marketing, it will help to get the result you want. When you are always consistent, you will learn so many things that you don’t know about like how the product works and for you to explain well for your customers you are selling those products to. In network marketing there are many things that you need to learn to be successful in your business, been consistent will make you know those things that you don’t know before. Make sure you do research about a certain thing that you are finding difficult to do.

Thirdly, you need to know what is working for you and what is not working for you, you can be trying something and then later try another thing, It will help you to grow in your network marketing business, When you try the second thing and you see that it’s more better than the first one you are using, It will help you to focus on something that is better and be making more sales in your business, which will turn into a lot of money.

One way that will help you to grow in your network marketing is by using social media platform like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and linkedin to build your team if you don’t have a team, team will make you to achieve your own goal, it helps you a lot. In superlife world those who are really working hard are in a team that helps them to achieve their dream goal. They always discuss together on how to make them keep growing and to help as many people who need the product to recover from their illness.

Team share what is working for them to the other members of their team to keep them reaching people who are sick, and also for their business to keep growing. But if you don’t have a team, Is better you use your social media to grow your team. What you need to do is to help them grow in their business and all of you will be growing together.

When you help those who are under you to grow their business that means you are also helping yourself too, let me give you an example. When you register with superlife company through someone, the person will be ready to help to grow your business to the next level, whenever you have anything to ask, you will always get help you need at the right time.

I will recommend you click on the WhatsApp botten to register with superlife. You can register with us and also get the needed help you need to grow your business. We are ready to help you and we will also add you to our WhatsApp group to see other people who are doing the business, people will be posting their experience in the group. You can get motivation from the group and we will like to see you there, so we can have thousands of people helping each other to grow and be successfully. What helps people to be successfully is because they have people who are ready to carry them along.

Having a mentor mentor will also help you to be a successful person in Superlife. Your mentor will always help you whenever you need help from him. He or She will be ready to do anything to make sure you don’t face any challenge. If you are finding it hard to get a mentor, you can send us a message on WhatsApp.

This Picture Shows How Stc30 Is Being Taken

There is one thing I always do to make things easier for me. In my network marketing I always talk to people and tell them about the product am selling. I talk to people on WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram. The truth is that the way you present your product to people matters, some people will be posting their product on their WhatsApp status without telling people about the product. What I do to make things easier for me is that I go to one website and tell a graphic designer to use the picture of the product to make a design for me, I will then tell him to write things inside the design to make people know what the product is all about. After the design he will deliver it to me, then I can post it on my WhatsApp status for people to see it and contact me if they really need it. The website I use to place that order, you can use it to do many other things like create a business website, logo design for business and many other things that will make your business to grow faster. They have thousands of things they do there, and millions of people also place orders from that website. The name of the website is Fiverr, but if you create account with the link on this page you will get 20% discount from your first purchase and you can even pay someone as low as $5 to do a job for you, that is why I like using them. They are the best.

I have tested so many websites Fiverr is the best I have ever seen. It will help you to build a successful business online.

Click the image to create an account on Fiverr and get a 20% discount on your first purchase

NOTE: Creating account on fiverr won't lead to buy STC30, you can only purchase marketing tools there

Create an account on Fiverr to get all marketing tools and make sure you send us a message on WhatsApp for Superlife registration

Thanks for choosing Superlife World