Super Counter Privacy Policy

Last Update :  1st July 2023

Thank you for using Super Counter, a mobile application ("the App") designed to provide a convenient counting tool. This Privacy Policy outlines how Super Counter collects, uses, and stores information in connection with the App. By using the App, you consent to the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

Types of Information Collected:

Super Counter does not collect any personal data from its users. However, the App may store app-related data on the user's mobile device, such as counter values inputted by the user and whether the user has completed the onboarding process or not.

Collection Methods:

The App collects data through user interaction within the App itself. This includes changing counters and completing the onboarding process. No data is collected from external sources or third parties.

Purpose of Data Collection:

The data collected by the App is used solely for the purpose of providing the counting functionality and improving user experience within the App. It allows the app to function as intended.

Legal Basis:

The collection and storage of app-related data are based on the user's consent and are necessary for the performance of the App's services.

Data Retention:

The data stored on the user's mobile device, as described above, remains on the device until manually deleted by the user. Super Counter does not have access to or control over this data.

Data Security Measures:

Super Counter takes reasonable security measures to protect the user's data stored on their mobile device. However, it is important for users to ensure the security of their own mobile devices by implementing device-level security measures.

Data Sharing and Disclosure:

Super Counter does not share or disclose user data collected by the App with any third parties, including service providers or business partners.

User Rights:

As Super Counter does not collect personal data, there are no specific user rights associated with this data collection. However, users have control over their own data stored on their mobile devices and can choose to delete or manage this data through their device's settings.

International Transfers:

Super Counter does not transfer any user data at all, neither does it transfer data outside the user's country of residence. All data collected by the App remains on the user's mobile device.

Policy Updates:

This Privacy Policy is subject to change. Any updates will be published here. Users must review the Privacy Policy periodically for awareness of any changes.

Legal Compliance:

Super Counter is committed to complying with all applicable data protection laws and regulations, including but not limited to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and any relevant local laws regarding data protection and privacy.

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

By using the Super Counter App, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Privacy Policy and agree to its terms and conditions.