Super is a 2010 American black comedy superhero film written and directed by James Gunn and starring Rainn Wilson, Elliot Page,[a] Liv Tyler, Kevin Bacon, and Nathan Fillion. It tells the story of Frank Darbo, a short-order cook who becomes a superhero without having any superhuman ability, calling himself the "Crimson Bolt". He sets out to rescue his wife Sarah from the hands of a drug dealer.

Short-order cook Frank Darbo recalls his only two good memories from a disappointing life: marrying his wife, Sarah, and an incident in which he directed a police officer to catch a purse snatcher. Frank immortalizes these two events in a pair of crayon drawings that he hangs on his wall for inspiration. Sarah, a recovering addict, leaves Frank for Jacques, a charismatic strip club owner who gets her hooked on drugs. Frank sinks into depression, where he has a vision in which he is touched by the finger of God and meets the Holy Avenger, a superhero from a public-access television show (based on the actual Christian superhero series, Bibleman[8]), who tells Frank that God has chosen him for a very special purpose.

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Frank believes that God has chosen him to become a superhero and goes to a local comic book store for inspiration. His claim that he is designing a new superhero is met with enthusiastic appreciation from the store clerk, Libby. Frank creates a superhero costume and assumes the identity of "The Crimson Bolt". Armed with a pipe wrench, he begins to fight crime by delivering savage beatings to various rulebreakers, ranging from drug dealers and child molesters to a man who cuts in line at the movies. The Crimson Bolt soon becomes a media sensation. Initially, the media view him as a violent psychopath, but he begins to gain public appreciation after the criminal backgrounds of many of his victims come to light.

Frank later attempts to rescue Sarah at Jacques' house, but Jacques' thugs recognize him under the costume and shoot him in the leg as he flees while climbing over a fence. A wounded Frank goes to Libby for help. Libby persuades Frank into letting her become the Crimson Bolt's "kid sidekick", christening herself "Boltie" and designs a costume. She proves to be even more unhinged than Frank, using her superhero guise to nearly kill a man who possibly vandalized her friend's car. Frank decides to let her go, but changes his mind when Libby rescues him from some of Jacques' thugs at a gas station. Libby soon becomes enamored of Frank, but he turns down her advances, insisting that he is still married.

Arguing that it is different when they are in their superhero identities, Libby rapes Frank while the two are in costume (although she claims to have been suffering from sexsomnia). Frank runs to the bathroom and vomits, where he encounters a vision of Sarah in the toilet. He decides that it is time to rescue her from Jacques. Armed with guns, pipe bombs, and bulletproof vests, Frank and Libby sneak into Jacques' ranch, killing the first few guards they encounter. However, they are both shot. Frank is struck in the chest, his bulletproof vest sparing him, but Libby is shot in the head and killed.

Super was Gunn's second film dealing with superheroes, the first being The Specials in 2000 that he wrote, but did not direct. Gunn has said that examining superheroes from a different angle interests him, and that he may do more films concerning the subject in the future.[12] He was later chosen to direct the 2014 Marvel Studios superhero film Guardians of the Galaxy, its 2017 and 2023 sequels, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, the 2021 DC Comics film The Suicide Squad and its 2022 TV series spin-off Peacemaker, and produced the 2019 dark superhero horror film Brightburn, in which Rainn Wilson also briefly reprises his role as Frank Darbo in photographic form indicating that Super and Brightburn are set in the same universe.

Entertainment Weekly critic Owen Gleiberman wrote, "This trifle about a doofus who becomes a costumed superhero, even though he has no special powers, might have seemed funkier before Kick-Ass. Yet the movie is written and directed by James Gunn with a certain whimsical black-comic flair ... It's really a one-joke movie, but the joke is a good one: Frank's 'crusade' is just a geek's screw-loose revenge, which Wilson, digging into the character's misery, makes oddly sympathetic."[17] Conversely, Scott Weinberg of Cinematical wrote, "Chock full of insanely graphic violence, awash in thoroughly un-PC perspectives, and more than willing to keep on punching long after the audience is virtually incredulous, Super is fun and funny, dark and twisted, semi-schizophrenic and certifiably insane. What I liked most was its simple audacity. And [Elliot] Page."[18]

During the production process, Gunn, a friend of Kick-Ass creator Mark Millar,[24] learned of the other film. In an interview after Super was released, he commented that "I was definitely wary of it, I was like 'This sucks! Kick-Ass is being made into a movie; is that gonna mean we're irrelevant?' But in the end the stories are so different. Our movie is about a guy who's on his own sort of spiritual quest and he just happens to wear a superhero costume during it. But it's really about the guy and not the costume."[24]

Gunn also responded to the accusations, pointing out that "It sucks on the one hand and then on the other hand, who gives a shit? There are 4,000 bank heist movies. We can have five superheroes-without-powers movies. What does bum me out [is] people who pretend like Kick-Ass was the first superheroes without powers movie, when that's obviously the classic John Ritter film Hero at Large."[26]

The NFL very actively seeks to prevent what it calls unauthorized commercial use of its trademarked terms "NFL", "Super Bowl", and "Super Bowl Sunday".[86] As a result, many events and promotions tied to the game, but not sanctioned by the NFL, are asked to refer to it with euphemisms such as "The Big Game", or other generic descriptions.[87][88] A radio spot for Planters nuts parodied this, by saying "it would be super ... to have a bowl ... of Planters nuts while watching the big game!" and comedian Stephen Colbert began referring to the game in 2014 as the "Superb Owl". In 2015, the NFL filed opposition with the USPTO Trademark Trial and Appeal Board to a trademark application submitted by an Arizona-based nonprofit for "Superb Owl".[89] The NFL claims that the use of the phrase "Super Bowl" implies an NFL affiliation, and on this basis the league asserts broad rights to restrict how the game may be shown publicly; for example, the league says Super Bowl showings are prohibited in churches or at other events that "promote a message", while venues that do not regularly show sporting events cannot show the Super Bowl on any television screen larger than 55 inches.[90] Some critics say the NFL is exaggerating its ownership rights by stating that "any use is prohibited", as this contradicts the broad doctrine of fair use in the United States.[90] Legislation was proposed by Utah Senator Orrin Hatch in 2008 "to provide an exemption from exclusive rights in copyright for certain nonprofit organizations to display live football games", and "for other purposes".[91]

In the constructor body of a derived class (with extends), the super keyword may appear as a "function call" (super(...args)), which must be called before the this keyword is used, and before the constructor returns. It calls the parent class's constructor and binds the parent class's public fields, after which the derived class's constructor can further access and modify this.

The "property lookup" form can be used to access methods and properties of an object literal's or class's [[Prototype]]. Within a class's body, the reference of super can be either the superclass's constructor itself, or the constructor's prototype, depending on whether the execution context is instance creation or class initialization. See the Examples section for more details.

Note that the reference of super is determined by the class or object literal super was declared in, not the object the method is called on. Therefore, unbinding or re-binding a method doesn't change the reference of super in it (although they do change the reference of this). You can see super as a variable in the class or object literal scope, which the methods create a closure over. (But also beware that it's not actually a variable, as explained above.)

Here, extendedField is undefined instead of 10, because baseField is defined as an own property of the Base instance, instead of Base.prototype. super, in this context, only looks up properties on Base.prototype, because that's the [[Prototype]] of Extended.prototype.

Super can also be used in the object initializer notation. In this example, two objects define a method. In the second object, super calls the first object's method. This works with the help of Object.setPrototypeOf() with which we are able to set the prototype of obj2 to obj1, so that super is able to find method1 on obj1.

Accessing super.x behaves like Reflect.get(Object.getPrototypeOf(objectLiteral), "x", this), which means the property is always seeked on the object literal/class declaration's prototype, and unbinding and re-binding a method won't change the reference of super.

When calling super.prop as a function, the this value inside the prop function is the current this, not the object that super points to. For example, the super.getName() call logs "Extended", despite the code looking like it's equivalent to Base.getName().

Setting properties of super, such as super.x = 1, behaves like Reflect.set(Object.getPrototypeOf(objectLiteral), "x", 1, this). This is one of the cases where understanding super as simply "reference of the prototype object" falls short, because it actually sets the property on this instead. ff782bc1db

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