A "fangtastic" design; Click to see all 11 colors|||Made in the USA, ARK's Saber Tooth Chewelry Necklace is a safe and discreet solution for anyone who needs to chew. Use it to provide calming and organizing proprioceptive input to the jaw, to help increase focus during homework and other activities, and/or as a safe alternative to chewing/biting on fingers, knuckles, shirts, pencils, etc. Whether you call it a saber tooth, shark tooth, or dinosaur tooth, this chewable pendant has a "fangtastic" cool factor that both kids and adults will love. And just like all ARK chew tools, it comes in 3 color-coded toughness levels:

**Please note: because of the pointed tip though, this shape is not the overall longest lasting shape for avid/aggressive chewing. For the longest lasting chew for avid chewing, check out the Y-Chew XXT.

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Caution: This product is not a toy. The clasp and cord are not intended for chewing. Contains small parts that may pose a choking hazard - direct supervision required. Recommended for ages 5 years and up. Although these chew tools are sturdy and durable, no chew tool is indestructible. Wear/tear may be expected given the nature of the intended use. How long they last is typically equal to the amount and intensity of the chewing, as well as other variables (such as jaw strength, stress/anxiety levels, if other sensory strategies are in place, etc.). While for some people a chew tool will last forever, for others with heavy/aggressive oral needs, they may go through it very quickly. Please supervise at all times, regularly inspect the chew, and replace if necessary if the item shows signs of wear and tear. Please note: because of the pointed tip, this is not a shape we recommend for very aggressive chewing. For the longest lasting chew tool for avid chewing, click here.

Usually we recommend going with the softest/standard level by default. Unless someone chews through or causes damage to anything else they chew on (chews through pencils, chews holes in shirts, etc.), in which case the XT level would be longer lasting.

So XXT is usually best either for people who have chewed through the XT level already, and/or for anyone who already likes chewing on very hard items - things like legos, hard plastic toys, wooden items, etc.

Probe Tip - This is the most versatile & popular tip attachment. It's bumpy on one side and striated on the other side for different levels of sensory input (the bumpy side provides more input than the striated side).

Mini Tip - This is a smaller version of the Probe Tip, designed for smaller mouths (about 2.5 years and under). This age recommendation is not a hard-and-fast rule though - we've seen younger kids use the Probe Tip and older individuals use the Mini Tip.

Preefer Tip - This tip attachment is rounded with ridges all along the circumference for when a "rolling" action is desired for a different kind of sensory input. Roll it over the lips, across the tongue, and inside the cheeks.

Bite-n-Chew Tip - These tips are rounded and chewable, for practicing biting & chewing skills. The "extra long" versions are about an inch longer and a little skinnier, to make it easier to reach the back molars. The textured version has bumps for extra sensory input.

Bite Tube Tip - These tips are similar to the Bite-n-Chew Tip, but with a hollow center so that you can put pured foods (applesauce, yogurt, etc.) inside the tip for functional biting & chewing practice. Once you bite down on the tip, you get 'rewarded' with a taste of food.

Spoon Tip - Great for feeding therapy and mealtimes, these attachments turn the Z-Vibe into a vibrating spoon! The smooth, gentle vibration can help "wake up" the mouth and decrease aversions. The textured version has bumps on the bottom of the spoon bowl to help stimulate the tongue and lower lip, and to help encourage the transition from pured to more solid foods. The hard Spoon Tip is rigid, like a regular spoon. The soft Spoon Tip is flexible (still firm enough to hold food, but flexible enough to be gentle on the teeth if someone bites down on the spoon.

Tongue Tip - This tip can be used as a traditional tongue scraper to help establish good oral care. It can also be used to help establish the concept of tongue lateralization and elevation (hold the Tongue Tip vertically in front of the mouth and ask the individual to put the tip of their tongue inside the hole, then guide the tongue from side to side or up and down). You can also place the Tongue Tip flat on top of the tongue to provide input to a large surface area of the tongue (this tip has the largest "footprint" surface-area-wise).

Popette Tip - This tip attachment is an adaptor that lets you use lollipops with the Z-Vibe. Just twist the Popette Tip into the Z-Vibe handle, then press a lollipop into the Popette Tip. Lollipops are a fun way to get kids interested in sensory oral motor exercises.

Brush Tips - The soft version has gentle bristles for gum massage; the hard version has firmer bristles closer to that of a traditional toothbrush. These can be used to help get orally sensitive individuals more comfortable with oral care, so that they can eventually use regular toothbrushes, be more comfortable going to the dentist, etc.

Pencil - This attachment turns your Z-Vibe into a vibrating pencil! The vibration of the Z-Vibe is very smooth, so it doesn't create squiggly lines. Instead, it can help increase focus by providing more sensory input and awareness to the hand.

Brick Tip - This tip attachment has large bumps on one side and small bumps on the other side for lots of varying sensory input while biting & chewing. It comes in 3 toughness levels for mild to moderate to avid chewing.

Healing factor plays a huge role hear. Blows that Sabertooth land are going to stick, while the shots Cap land are going to start losing effectiveness rather quickly. After a long bloody fight Sabertooth should pull it out.

Steve has a healing factor too, although little bit slower. Remember he survoved being frozen for 70 years with no signs of aging... this is a feat that has yet to be duplicated by any marvel character.

@capfan85: You've got to consider the lack of a shield in this encounter. While there is no doubt that Cap has beaten more formidable foes than Sabretooth, he normally has his shield at some point in the encounter. Let there be no doubt, Cap is the better fighter. However this fight is to the death, and I simply don't see how Cap with no shield is ever going to be able to kill Sabretooth.

As a side note, comparing these two's healing factors is pretty absurd. Victor's healing factor is nearly at the same level as Logan's. It's way faster regeneration than what Cap has. It is true that Cap didn't age after 70 years on ice, Victor was born in the late 19th century and has only aged to the point that (not that this is relevant in a fight).

Creed, solid majority. He's everything Steve is but with a good healing factory, claws and more strength. Shield-less Steve only has his tactical mindset. Which won't do much against someone with spec ops training as well.

I agree Sabretooth's healing factor is faster than Cap's, but Cap does have regenerative healing albeit slower then Sabretooth. I think Cap's reflexes and agility are enough to where he could out maneuver sabretooth, and since he has mastered all earth forms of martial arts and has eidetic memory he can pick and choose from one of thousands of different ways he can respond to an attack from Sabretooth. I think Sabretooth will get over confident and try to just use brute force like he does with Wolverine, and Wolverine makes the mistake of fighting with his rage while not using his skills. Cap on the other hand is a strategist and a soldier who has been heavily trained to survive all type of enemies and scenarios, any person in the military can tell you this. I think Cap could easily snap Sabretooths neck at the very least choke him out.

Below I have attached clips from the marvel database for the 616 version of Cap, or the classic comic version. I will not list all of his stats, but pick out just the ones that I feel will give him an upper hand over sabretooth in this fight:

"Enhanced Durability: His bones and muscles are denser and harder and so are amplified to the highest human potential, making him very durable. He is durable enough to the point that if a person beats him with a metal bat stick, the bat would break and Rogers would show little discomfort. This is how he survived other forms of extensive punishment throughout his career such as falls from several stories like when he landed on a car from 2000 feet with no injury."[

"Accelerated Healing Factor: Rogers' healing speed and efficiency is at the highest limits of human potential, which means he can heal faster than most humans. The white blood cells (WBCs) and the SSS in his body are efficient enough to fight off any microbe, foreign body and others from his body keeping him healthy and immune to all infections, diseases and disorders, also Rogers cannot become intoxicated by alcohol, drugs, or impurities in the air and is immune to terrestrial diseases. He is also immune to hypnosis or gases that could limit his focus. He is genetically perfect" 152ee80cbc

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