"Silence! Never use the word 'must' to me, never!" Verdugo had drawnhimself to his full height. "Ever since I synthetized his brain, he'sgot the idea that he owns me! I had to order him not to stir fromhis seat during the entire voyage ... I wouldn't have had any peaceotherwise," he smiled at the girl and waved toward the super-robot. "Isynthetized his brain from three of the finest intelligences on Terra!"

"Alcoran, contact Venus ... the Council Hall," Doctor Verdugo orderedhis super-robot. The latter came noiselessly forward. Once seated atthe console of the incredibly complex mechanism, his agile finger ranwithout hesitation over the banked keys, after pressing a master switchthat lighted serried ranks of powerful tubes, with an eerie violetlight.

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With a great effort Lucero quieted her swirling thoughts. She hadno doubt but that the super-robot knew about the administration ofVanadol. If Verdugo learned of it, he would instantly report it to theCouncil, and at least part of the fleet would come to investigate.Against the fleet of Terra they were powerless.

An array of electric and atomic-powered instruments from tiny,silver-like scalpels, to razor-sharp saws gleamed on tables at hissides; fulgurants cast ultra-visibility light upon the white-swathedcouch where the victim was to be strapped alive. Verdugo did not hearthem enter, but Alcoran did! Instantly the super-robot gave a warningcry at the sight of his metal counterpart and stood before the girl androbot like an impassable wall.

Doctor Verdugo's cranium was trepanned and opened, Alcoran deftlyextracted the brain operating with the mastery that had been Verdugo's.Then he opened the brain pan of the Panadur and removed certain partsfrom its alien brain, including the pituitary at the apex, whichseemed enormous in comparison with the size of the Panadur's brain,and grafted it to what had been the brain of Doctor Verdugo. Then asa swarm of Panadurs dragged a robot forward, he inserted the organicbrain in the super-robot's helmet, made the necessary connections,completed the task and sealed the incision. Verdugo's body was carriedaway. The same swarm of Panadurs circled the super-robot, and began togenerate energy potential which they transmitted to the quiescent brainin its metal head.

Mark Lynn whirled and saw a new type of robot, whose delicate featuresresembled uncannily those of the beings of Europa. Its beryl eyesregarded him steadily as it stood motionless flanked by two robotguards. Then Mark received the telepathic message flashing from thesuper-robot's brain:

"War is imminent, Panadur," he telepathed, knowing that the Councilcould not receive his thoughts. "Without radiant energy we're doomed tofailure." But from the super-robot came no answer. Mark Lynn whirled toface the Tele-Magnum again, and his voice rang true with contemptuousassurance.

"We have no chance!" Mark gritted as he saw the Europan Spacersdisintegrated in the awful struggle. "Murderers!... We'll hurl all ourremaining spacers against the Terran Fleet; if that's the only way toshatter them, that's the way it'll be!" As he was about to give thefateful command, the Panadur super-robot, who had accompanied them, laya restraining metal hand on Mark Lynn's arm: ff782bc1db

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