Hello! This is my HD texture pack page for NSMB2

s024001440 675 KB

324001440 563 KB

This was initially just planned as a quick and easy GUI pack (no tiles / level textures), just to test things out and learn how to use the upscale models.

This pack was initially just a GUI mod. But eventually I upscaled the overworld textures, as well as the intro.

Update 0.9.9 Textures for level backgrounds, as well a most 3D models are also included

I do not plan to add any more substantial updates, and I do not plan to add level textures. Because of the way the game code renders the 2D levels, it is impossible right now to dump the level textures.

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Most of the textures were upscaled using Cupscale and various ESRGAN models. For some few exceptions, some additional adjustments were made in Gimp. For even fewer exceptions, were the model upscale was completely broken, the texture was redone using additional resources. 99% of the source material are the dumped textures.

You can find what models on each texture by looking at the filename. I left original filename exported by Cupscale in order to better document my process. Citra only looks at the first part of the filename, it ignores the 2nd part

Note please read: If you downloaded these texture packs before 01/03/23 they will not work, except for the google drive ones, as the ones I made and posted on Megaupload accidentally had an extra file extension that Dolphin VR doesn't like. I have updated the texture packs, removing the extra file extension and they are now in working order.

For Super Mario Galaxy put the textures in a folder called RMGE01 and put that folder in the Load/textures folder found in your Dolphin VR installation folder. And make sure to have Load Custom Textures tuned on found in Graphics/Advanced.

For Super Mario Galaxy 2, put the textures in a folder called SB4E01 and put that folder in the Load/textures folder found in your Dolphin VR installation folder. And make sure to have Load Custom Textures tuned on found in Graphics/Advanced.

I'm playing this game and noticed lines going through textures when playing older Mario games. I'm thinking it has to do with scaling issues, but can't identify how to fix the problem. Any ideas how to fix? Here is a screenshot showing the problem at the menu.

The Super Mario Mash-Up Pack is a free mash-up pack exclusively available for the following Nintendo console versions of Minecraft: Minecraft: Wii U Edition (Legacy Console Edition), Nintendo Switch Edition (both Legacy Console Edition and Bedrock Edition), and the Nintendo 3DS Edition. This update heavily borrows elements of the Super Mario Bros. franchise to add new Skin options, textures, music, and a pre-made world. It was originally released on May 17, 2016 for the Wii U Edition, but has since been adapted for the other Nintendo versions of Minecraft.

By the way, you can also download the Animal Crossing texture pack, Zelda texture pack, and Among Us texture pack. We regularly review themed texture packs, which for example have many textures from other video games.

We are importing a Chinese temple into the space but we find that the texture cannot be shown. We have tried numerous methods and seems no luck still. Can you please help have a look if possible? Thanks.

The character has a position (XNA Rectangle), the background is 2 textures, and the character has a Vector2 motion property. 1 is the display texture, and the other is a two color map of collision zones in the first texture. I display texture 1, and load texture 2 into an array of Color[] using the texture's GetData routine whenever the background is loaded. The input parsing routine does not change the position directly, it adds to the motion property.

Shadow Mario (Super Mario Sunshine) and Metal Mario (Super Smash Bros)Models downloaded then manually posed in Maya. Each file was exported and converted (.obj->.ply->.ray) then composited into a .ray file and positioned/shaded/lit through editing this file.Features our spotlight and texture mapping implementations 006ab0faaa

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