We bought the game when it was 50% off and it was a good buy. My only gripe is the horrible game mode camera angles. I cannot tell what block I am on and end up nuking myself. I played super Bomberman and super Bomberman 2 all the time. Super Bomberman R, even after the updates, is not as fun as the classics.

I've never really owned a Bomberman game, but I'd like to get into it. I just don't really have a group to play it with. Looks super good though, so I definitely plan to pick this up at some point. I'll probably wait for a sale though, as $50 is a big ask. Bomberman always felt to me like someone took a singular Mario Party minigame (albeit a really fun one) and made it into an entire game, which always made it hard for me to justify full retail price. But the map editor, campaign, and battle royale are all great additions that make the same seem chock full of content. So I will get this game, it's just a matter of when, not if.

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As someone who only got into the deep thickets of the Bomberman series a bit more recently, I've been super excited to pick this up. I enjoyed my time with Super R a while back but I plan to get a lot more out of this newest release. Will definitely be picking this one up as soon as possible

Dynablaster (bomberman amiga) was the reason to learn soldering... 5 player mayhem... have the orignal ... and the 360 version... and snes/pc engine mini etc... so probably will wait for sale, but still.... really into a bit of bomberman tonight with the kids

Shame about single player not being all that. Was very interested in the idea of this one. Still might be, but there is a part of me holding off because I feel some kind of bomberman might come to NSO at some point. Mega, Super, 64, Hero. Heck, even Wario Blast might be the one? That would scratch any bomberman nostalgia for me. So, might wait and see... e24fc04721

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