Anyway, once you kill everybody, search the ship and and you will find a door on the second deck. Enter it and you will reach the upper deck. There's yet another door here so enter it and you'll finally meet the mechanic. He tells you that the city will not survive other storm, because all the ships are toed to the only 3 ships that are run aground but are badly damaged so one more storm will sink all the other ships and everyone will die. He tells you about a Corvette that is suitable to sail and he can free the ship with a winch but he needs a gear but which is at the bottom of the sea. To get it back he has a diving suit that has air for 6 minutes (counter on 400 secs) but first you must talk to the Admiral and tell him that the mechanic's alive and that you have finished off the Casper clan.

You start off standing in a courtyard, Pitt walks up to you and you see some dialogue. After the dialogue walk into the large house where the man is standing there, he will speak with you as well. Head up the staires and make a left, you want to head into the door on your right had side. (it will be the first door you come across) You enter the room and see a man sick in bed, walk over to the bed and the man from downstaires walks into the room and up to you and you see some dialogue. After the dialogue you walk over to the sick man and begin to dress his wounds. After you find yourself in a room with the very same man, walk over to him and speak with him, Pitt walks in and speaks with you. Exit the room and to your immediate left on a small table is the key you need. Head up the staires and instead of taking a left go right and all the way around to the balcony that looks out into the courtyard. You can unlock this chest and take the weapons out. Head back downstaires and await the arrival of the guards. After the fight (if you choose to fight, either way you lose) you will be taken to a loading screen and its off to the Barbados Plantation. (End of Prologue) You find yourself in a small house with beds. Pitt walks up to you and here you are able to re-distribute your talent points (you can just leave them be if you wish). Leave the house and just wait for Colonel Bishop to walk up to you and some dialogue starts. You need to head to the governors mansion and treat his ill wife. Head out of the plantation and up the road towards the city. Stay to your left and you will eventually come to an estate with guards outside of it. Approach it and some dialogue begins, walk into the estate and up to the governor. (right now it is your choice to speak with him, either way....) Head into the door and up the staires and into the room where a woman is standing there. Walk up to her and speak with her. You need some medicine now. Head back down and speak with the governor and choose the last option (the option where you request funds for the medicine) and you can choose the highest amount (don't worry about paying this back) Leave the estate and head right until you come to the first house. You run into a doctor whacker standing there, he tells you that the doctor isn't home yet he needs to speak with you a little later. Here you can head upstaires and inspect the dresser/table for a vial of migraine medicine. Head back down and outside and you will find the doctor a little a head of you, walk up to him and choose the first dialogue option (the one where you don't take medicine from his house and were about to leave) You now receive more medicine. Head back to the estate and up to the room with the woman and speak with her, you will now move forward a day find yourself in the tavern. Speak with the bartender and ask him where Doctor Whacker is, head to the back door and into the room where you will find him. Speak with him and now officially begins your process of escape. Head back to the plantation and speak to Pitt. At this point you need to speak to 3 of your slave mates and persuade them to join your cause. Three of them stand out so find them and speak with them, they will each have a task for you to complete before joining you. The two who wander outside are named Hagthorpe and Dyke. The third man is inside a house you must enter within the plantation) Also you want to find a fourth man to give the extra vial of medicine in exchange for a dagger. You can keep this dagger on you but DO NOT equip it yet for the guards will remove it from you. All of these men can be found within the plantation grounds. Once you have completed all this head over to the Bishops house within the plantation (this house looks a little nicer than the rest) Speak with him to gather your info and off to the town you go. First you want to either head to the brothel or the tavern and look for the man whos finger you will be needing, he is either sitting having a drink or upstaires in the brothel. He will meet you outside the city gates in one hour, in the mean time you can complete your other tasks. Stop by the tavern and speak with a drunken sailor, sit down and have a drink with him to learn about the man who came into port and is staying at a house close by (the certain Weston) Exit the tavern and head right, it is the house exactly next to the moneylender. Save your game here. Enter the house and the chest you will be looking for in by the staircase, the man will attack you if you try and take it while he is looking. Wait until he turns around or on a rare occasion walks upstaires. After you have the money and the papers, head over to the money lender to pay off ogles debt. After you are going to acquire the weapons. The house you are looking for is located behind the brothel and across from the Doctors house you took the meds from earlier. You will find a man inside and will speak to him, after getting nothing walk back outside and wait until a Spanish man walks up to you and speaks to you (it doesn't matter what you say here) Walk over to the guard standing in front of the estate and speak with him, he runs into the house the Spanish guy went into for the weapons and you pretty much have to wait a minute. Enter the house and head upstaires, he killed the guard... before you enter this room loot the guard for some meds and a sword. Equip it and enter the room and kill the Spanish man, walk up to the guy who denied you and collect your weapons. Now it is time to head outside the gates of the town...not the direction of the plantation, there is another gate besides the house you come out of. Kill the man and collect the finger and all the other goodies. Head back to the plantation. Speak with each of the slaves and than speak with Pitt. You progress a day... Head to the tavern and speak with Whacker, he only gives you 18,000 and it is up to you to get the rest. Go find Nattal who is wearing a white shirt and usually sitting in the tavern, if not than he is outside wandering around. He will buy the ship for you, you just need the cash. Head over to the store and speak with Swallow the pirate to do a task for him, than head over to the fisherman which the house is located exactly next to the doctors house you got the medicine vial from. He asks you for a task and than stop by the money- lender for yet another task. To knock all these out at once, head to the tavern and talk to the bartender and offer him the 500 for info on the man you are looking for, after go to the corner of the bar and choose the first option and when this option comes up choose it ....... You will get the fishing spot location, now head to the ship yard and speak with the man besides the desk. You can choose the middle option with will bring your reptation down to swindler or you can choose the last option and just collect 30,000. If you don't return this money back to the moneylenders you will eventually get a bounty on your head....just return it and collect 10%. Speak with the man in the shipyard and ask him about helping you with Swallow, he tells you a story and says that there is a man who can help you. Head outside and find him. He is wandering around but don't use swallows real name. Head back to the tavern and speak with swallow and collect your 1,500. Head back to the money lender and than to the fisherman. After all is done head back to the tavern and give the bum the money to buy the ship. Step outside for a guard to tell you to go back to the plantation.... When you head back one of your slave friends approaches you and speaks with is now dark. Equip that dagger and head towards the plantation. There is a stash of weapons hidden within the plantation but there are a ton of guards around. If you kill enough guards England will become hostile towards don't want this later on. In all reality you can just run in, speak with Pitt on the ground and run away from all the guards and back into the city. Save your game prior and try and locate that weapons stash, it is in the back right of the plantation, once you map it out, run in and out and into the city/town. Here and woman runs up to you and a spanash man is chasing her, kill him (you have your dagger but these guys are hard to kill so it would be a lot easier if you got that weapon stash) Slowly kill your way to the shipyard and swim around to the side where you find your friends waiting for you. After you and your friends must swim to the large ship in the water and board it. You will have several guards to meet you so kill them and loo them. Now you are on the homestretch. Enter the cabin of the ship and kill the captain and loot! loot! loot! lol. Head back out and Pitt speaks with you. Now talk to your crew and only Pitt and Ogle decide to stay with you. Assign Pitt to navigator and Ogle to cannoneer. Head back into the cabin and so begins your escape. You are now in sea mode...two Spanish ships try and take you out but the ship you are in is no match for them...get close and sink are now FREE! At this point the game officially begins, you can do whatever whenever. Be sure to check your standings with nations.

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