Going Physical?

While we currently plan for the Zine itself to be digital-only, we would love to be able to make some physical merchandise items! To reach this goal, we need to know how many people are interested in possibly buying our merchandise. Please help us by filling out the form below and letting us know what you would be interested in!

Hello everyone!  We're very excited to bring this project to life and look forward to working with you all. Here are the current details of our project: 

Sunshowers will be a fan-project centered around the unique relationship between Weather Report and Narciso Anasui! Contributors will be free to interpret this as they wish, including platonic themes, romantic themes, or something in-between. The project will be SFW. 

Currently, the zine is planned to be free and digital-only, but if we reach enough interest, we may be able to go physical!

Thank you for your interest, we look forward to moving forward with the project!

Projected Schedule:

Interest Checks - January 2nd to February 5th

Mod Applications - January 2nd to February 5th

Results out by February 10th

Contributor Applications - January 30th to March 1st

Results Out by March 5th

Creation Period - March 5th to August 5th

Formatting - August 10th to September 10th


Please Email us with any questions at Sunshowers.zine@gmail.com