
I've taught as a graduate student at Tufts University, as a postodoctoral fellow at Wesleyan University and as an assistant professor at Carleton College.

Winter 2024 (Carleton College)

Fall 2023 (Carleton College)

Spring 2023 (Carleton College)

Winter 2023 (Carleton College)

Fall 2022 (Carleton College)

Spring 2021 (Wesleyan University)

Fall 2021 (Wesleyan University)

Spring 2021 (Wesleyan University)

Fall 2020 (Wesleyan University)

Fall 2018 (Tufts University)

Spring 2018 (Tufts University)

2015-2018 (Tufts University -- The Poincare Institute)

Online course instructor for the Poincare Institute, an NSF-funded grant whose mission is to "improve the teaching and learning of middle school mathematics by helping teachers deepen their understanding of key mathematical concepts and of how students learn". As a course instructor, I ran an online forum facilitating and encouraging discussions. I also graded the teachers’ work.