Sunrose T. Shrestha
About Me
I am a mathematician studying geometry and dynamics.
Broadly speaking I study translation surfaces (surfaces where the transition functions are translations). In particular, I study square-tiled ones, which are a special class of translation surfaces that arise as branched covers of the square-torus, branched over a single point. I am interested in knowing both geometric and dynamical properties of these surfaces. I have recently also been interested in infinite translation/half-translation surfaces and triply periodic polyhedral surfaces.
I graduated with my PhD from the Department of Mathematics at Tufts University under the supervision of Dr. Moon Duchin in May 2020. For my thesis, I studied random construction of surfaces. In particular I used a combinatorial model for square-tiled surfaces to infer geometrical and topological properties of typical square-tiled surfaces.
Between Fall 2020 - Spring 2022, I was a Van Vleck postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Wesleyan University.
Since Fall 2022, I have been Carleton College as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
sshrestha at carleton dot edu