Digital Resources

Below is a collection of digital resources that you can access to read stories online.

Large database comprised of digital resources for parents, students and teachers

Children's literacy website that streams stories online read by many famous actors among other celebrities.

Bookaboo is a world famous rock puppy who tours the globe with his band, playing drums to packed stadiums of adoring fans. However, there's just one hitch for our rock puppy superstar - he can't play without a story a day!

Storybooks Canada promotes literacy and language learning. Part of a Global Storybooks projects, it makes 40 stories from the African Storybook available with text and audio in English, French and the many other language.

Indigenous Storybooks: the stories on the Indigenous Storybooks website currently come from the Little Cree Books project in Alberta, Canada – a groundbreaking digital initiative promoting literacy in the Cree language.

Families can sign up free for 30 days. This site requires login or sign up, please contact your classroom teacher for your personal username and password.