
If you/your student are in search of a tutor, explore the list of Sunrise Tutors below! 

If you do not see the subject or grade level you are looking for, reach out and we can do our best to suggest other places to search outside of the school. 

Nanette Izzary-Felix (Ms. Felix)

Teacher: 1st grade

Tutors in: 

Cost: Ask Ms. Izzary-Feliz directly for pricing

Contact: nfelix@sunriseacademy.education

Availability: currently unavailable; check back later or ask for when she may be able to assist your student if needed

Arya DeVor (Mrs. R)

Teacher: Middle School Science

Tutors in: 

Cost: Ask Mrs. R directly for pricing

Contact: adevor@sunriseacademy.education

Availability: contact Mrs. R directly for schedule openings

Gary Sanchez (Mr. Sanchez)

Teacher: Middle School Mathematics

Tutors in: 

(inquire for availability in other grades)

Cost: $20/hr

Availability: Monday - Friday, 3-5pm (various timeslots)

Contact: gsanchez@sunriseacademy.education

From the teacher: 

I enjoy learning and teaching about mathematics. It’s always a plus to see a student’s eyes lighten up with recognition of the topic (that it “clicks” for them).

Samantha Registrato-Cantero (Ms. Sam)

Teacher: High School English & Creative Writing

Tutors in:

Cost: varies per topic and grade level; inquire for more information

Availability: Monday - Friday, 3-9pm (various timeslots)

Contact: email -- sregistrato@sunriseacademy.education; 

cell phone -- (386) 795-1205

From the teacher: 

My greatest joy is helping someone discover their own identity, solidify vision, and then assist the process of getting from point "A" to "B". In addition, everyone is designed uniquely and has unique was of thinking and processing information -- it is optimal to have a teacher or tutor who can perceive this and structure the lesson/assistance around their style. Whether this happens in life coaching or English tutoring, I love working side by side with a student or group to help them unlock their own capacity to understand and solve the problems that stand in the way of their own success.