What's new on SUNRISE?


SUNRISE selected for funding!

Yes, we did it! We are proud to announce that the SUNRISE Alliance has been selected for funding by the European Commission and has become a member of a family of 64 European Universities. We are happy to continue our journey together. Check the official results here.


Working Group Online Meetings

We are continuing our common work! In February and March we had regular meetings of the Alliance and our dedicated working groups for Mobility, Curriculum Development, Research and Regional Cooperation. We explored emerging opportunities for cooperation in all these fields.


SUNRISE Proposal Submitted!

The first stage of our journey to the SUNRISE ALLIANCE European University has been completed today! Thanks to the common efforts of all the partners our proposal was successfully submitted to the Erasmus Programme. The results are expected in the Summer this year. Let's keep our fingers crossed!


Rector's Meeting in Brussels

The meeting of the Alliance's steering group and the Rectors took place in Brussels on 28-29.11.2023 to finalize the Mission Statement and the scope of the project. All partner universities were represented. It was an excellent occassion to strengthen our relations and build common understanding and institutional framework for our Alliance.


Workshops in Berlin

We have just finished a very fruitful 3-day workshop of our Alliance in Berlin! The focus was on planning the scope of the project, work breakdown structure and the responsibilities of the Partners.