What we do:

Exterior painting (3 stages)

  1. Masking step by step:
    • Windows
    • Stone
    • Decks
    • Non-painting area (where needed)

2. Painting step by step:

    • Applying two coats of paint on siding by spring, brush and roll trim.
    • Front soffit check and clean if needed
    • Applying one coat stain and one coat protection clear coat.

3. Painting facade elements:

    • trim gutters
    • corner boards
    • downspout
    • trim around windows/doors

Interior painting step by step:

1. Preparation works, masking and coverage where needed to prevent overspray

2. Ceiling spraying - one heavy coat, no back roll

3. Walls spraying and back roll - two coats of paint


    • Preparation work, filling nail holes, caulking all seams on doors, windows, baseboard.
    • Masking all walls around trim and windows, baseboard to prevent overspray.
    • Spray one coat of primer.
    • When primer dries, woodwork is checked and detailed as needed.
    • When preparation work is completed, two coats of paint are applied by spraying.

Interior painting applies to spaces such as:

  • Stairway-walls and ceiling
  • Hallway, upstairs-walls and ceiling
  • Bathroom walls and ceiling
  • Kitchen walls and ceiling

To see samples of our work please visit Our Works