Sungyoon Lee

I'm an assistant professor of Computer Science at Hanyang University
(JA: Data Science / Artificial Intelligence / AI Systems / Institute for AI Research) and the principal investigator of LRNING.

My research goal is to build a robust and reliable AI based on understanding of deep learning to solve important problems and develop technologies that can benefit people and society.

Joining Our Group (LRNING)


Research Interests

Education & Research Experience

Selected Ongoing Works

Selected Publications

We show that SGD has an implicit regularization effect on the logit-weight Jacobian norm in neural networks. This regularization effect is weighted with the impurity of the probability output, and thus it is active in a certain phase of training. Based on these findings,  we propose a novel optimization method which leads to similar performance as other SOTA sharpness-aware optimization methods such as SAM and ASAM.

We provide a clearer characterization of the Edge of Stability and extend it to general mini-batch SGD. Moreover, based on the analysis, we propose a new scaling rule, LSSR (Linear and Saturation Scaling Rule), between learning rate and batch size.

We provide a reparametrization-invariant sharpness measure based on information geometry.



 Theory without practice is empty, practice without theory is aimless.

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