Research Experience

Cooperation with Prof. T. Pham & Prof. C-Y. Shen      (2022.09-2023.10)


Mr. Sung-Yi Liao @ Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University 

Prof. Thang Pham @ Department of Mathematics, Vietnam National University

Prof. Chun-Yen Shen @ Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University


On the dimension of polynomial images in three variables (available upon request)

Vietnam Polymath REU       (2022.09-2023.10)


Prof. Chun-Yen Shen @ National Taiwan University

Prof. Thang Pham @ Vietnam National University


Mr. Dung Ha Minh @ Hanoi University of Science and Technology


Exploration on Incidence Geometry and Sum-Product Phenomena (available at


In this dissertation, we investigate the Erdos-Szemeredi Conjecture and its relationship with several well-known results in incidence geometry, such as the Szemeredi-Trotter Incidence Theorem. We first study these problems in the setting of real numbers and focus on the proofs by Elekes and Solymosi on sum-product estimates. After introducing these theorems, our main focus is the Erdos-Szemeredi Conjecture in the setting of $\mathbb{F}_p$. We aim to adapt several ingenious techniques developed for real numbers to the case of finite fields. Finally, we obtain a result in estimating the number of bisectors over the ring $\mathbb{Z}/p^3\mathbb{Z}$ with $p$ a $4n+3$ prime.


Global Undergraduate Awards: Highly Recommended (Top 10% among all applicants)

Short-Term Cooperation with Prof. K-W. Tsai                (2022.08)


Mr. Sung-Yi Liao @ Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University 

Prof. Kwok-Wing Tsoi @ Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University 


Waring's Problem with Reciprocal Exponents (available upon request)


Motivated by classical Waring's Problem and Descartes' Theorem, in this article, we characterize all rational solutions of the equation


where $m_1,\dotsc,m_h,n_1,\dotsc,n_k$ and $h,k$ are positive integers. Our result also gives a complete rational parametrization to the equation when all the exponents are equal. As an application, we address a modified Waring's problem in which reciprocals of varying positive integers replace the exponentials.

Post-Quantum Cryptography Internship Program     (2021.07-2021.09)


Prof. Bo-Yin Yang @ Institution of Information Science, Academia Sinica (July 2021 - Sept. 2021)  


Post-Quantum Cryptography System Implementation: NTRU (stand for "Number Theory Research Unit") Prime

Mathematical Reseach in High School


Mr. Cheng-Hua Tsai @ Taichung First Senior High School (Feb. 2017 - June 2018)

Prof. Ming-Hsuan Kang @ National Chiao-Tung University (July 2018 - June 2019)


The Extension of Fermat Polygonal Number Theorem


2019 Shing-Tung Yau High School Mathematics Award (Gold medal)

2019 alternative member in Taiwan representative team for international science fair