
Publications in peer-reviewed journals 

Violation des droits des femmes et malnutrition en Inde : vers de nouvelles formes d’inégalités? (2022)
With V. Alvarez-Saavedra and P. Levasseur, Mondes en Développement 2022/1 (n° 197)

Many Rivers to Cross: Social Identity, Cognition and Labour Mobility in Rural India (2021)
With S. Michiels and C. Nordman,  Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science Vol. 697(1)

The silver lining of inequalities? Local income inequality and obesity in Mexico (2021)
With P. Levasseur, M. Clement and L. Piaser, Social Science and Medicine Vol. 272, 113710

Is excess weight penalised or rewarded in middle-income countries labour markets? Comparative evidence from China, India and Mexico (2020)
With P. Levasseur and M. Clement, Kyklos Vol. 73(2)

Modèles de mélange fini (FMM) appliqués à la segmentation du marché du travail à Bogota (2016)
With T. Deguilhem, Bulletin of Sociological Methodology Vol.132(1) 

Current Projects - Selected Work in Progress 

More information available upon request

Working papers and reports

PhD Thesis

Where Does the Stigma Lie?  Exploring the Roles of Gender, Religion and Caste in the Indian Labor Market 

Université de Bordeaux, 2018.