East Lake 8th Ward - Sunday School

Tips & Recommendations

😃 Please make it your personal responsibility to decide who's teaching & when. If it's your turn and you can't make it, please reach out to another teacher or a sub (or if needed a member of the Sunday School Presidency). Thank you! 

😃 Please consider getting to your classroom before others so you can green everyone and get to know them a bit. 

🙏 Please start class with an opening prayer
After the prayer, please invite anyone who'd like to share (about 1 minute) how they loved, served or invited last week (even in some small) in our neighborhood (especially with those that don't attend church). Explain that this isn't bragging. It's celebrating, as Ammon did, how Heavenly Father is working through us to touch our peoples lives. Yay!

👩‍✈️ Safety Training (Please take this ASAP if you haven’t yet & renew every couple of years).

👩‍✈️ Please make sure there are always two adults in youth classes.

📘 June 2023

1) Study whatever you are drawn to or feel inspired to study in "Teaching in the Savior’s Way."  We'll take 10 minutes. 

2) Share with your small group what stood out for you and how you could apply it. 

3) Have someone from your group share highlights from your group conversation with the whole class.

4) Depending on our time, we may go another round.   

Helpful Links

📘 Click here for list of teachers, subs & presidency.

🧔 Teaching in the Savior’s Way 2022 (Manual)

🤼 Teacher Council Meeting - Lessons (from the church website. These are so good!)

🌞 Scroll down to review notes from previous 8th Ward Teacher Council Meetings. 

🎥 Click here for Sunday School Zoom calls

Taking Roll

🧑 Gospel Doctrine Teachers (Adult Classes)
You don't need to take roll (but it actually wouldn’t be a bad idea). In either event, please keep names of the people on your roll in your mind and heart and in your prayers.

Be on the look for potential attendees in your neighborhood, at the store, or as inspired you could drop by and invite different folks to Sunday School that you haven't seen for a while (or ever) or join the Wednesday night reach out visits and kind of coordinate with others who are also reaching out to individuals in our neighborhood. 

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Youth Teachers
Please complete rolls so we can better serve and minister to youth in whatever way we can. If inspired, you could even use our Get To Know You questions (See below).

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Youth Rolls / Directories  
If you can’t get the information you need at LDS.ORG, please text me at 801 613 8354 for the youth classes directory, which includes physical addresses if you’d like to visit your class members (which is awesome!).

Teacher Council Meetings - Notes from Previous Meetings

Dear Teachers,

Please consider pondering these notes from previous meetings, even if you attended (but especially if you haven’t). Ask Heavenly Father to highlight parts that could be meaningful to you personally in your teaching.

Thanks for your continued service!

John Canaan

P.S. These notes are limited in their application with Primary teachers but still important.

a) Encouraging participation

You are called to teach, yes, but more so you are called to support and guide your class in study and conversation that will encourage their inspiration and participation.

“Appoint among yourselves a teacher, and let not all be spokesmen at once; but let one speak at a time and let all listen unto his sayings, that when all have spoken that all may be edified of all, and that every man may have an equal privilege.” D&C 88:122.

Creating class participation fulfills 2 objectives that each rely on the other:

Objective 1) Inspiring class members to live the gospel and

Objective 2) Foster relationship that make living the gospel more real in our ward. For instance “mourning with those that mourn” or “strengthening your brothers” is more likely if as we get to know each other and understand (at least a bit) what people are struggling with. Class participation is not just about learning the gospel, it’s about getting to know each other so we are more apt to live the gospel- right here in our neighborhood.

Ask open ended questions

Discovery Questions

Encouraging subjective, personal feelings

Encouraging more (or having an individual add more)

Ideas / possibilities

Encouraging participation while still covering the lesson
…creating the balance between getting as many involved as possible and yet still gently moving the class toward the lessons objectives.

Share Starter Hand Out Note that the questions below (especially the “supplementary” ones) are designed to share the Gospel with each other in a way that helps us get to know each other- not just each other’s ideas. After all, how can feel inspired to bear each other’s burdens if we are strangers to each other?

Share Starters 

1) “Come Follow Me” question (As inspired, pick 1 or 2 “Come Follow Me” questions that are open ended, promote introspection, inspiration, revelation and sharing. For instance “How was fasting a blessing for Esther’s people?”

As inspired, include one or two standard supplementary “share starters” i.e.

2) Without sharing too many details that might be inappropriate for this setting, what does this scripture or principle mean to you personally or how would you apply this in your life? or

3) As we read and talk about this, what I’m beginning to see is ___________.

4) As we continue to discuss this, I see that doing ____________ or understanding ___________ could lead me closer to God and my Savior because ____________ (describe how).

5) In connection with this lesson, something I’m inspired to do going out of here today is ____________.

c) Ways of keeping the same people from making all the comments.

Basics (subtle) “Let’s hear from 2 or 3 people we haven’t heard from yet”, or “Let’s hear from someone this side of the room” or “Is there anyone that would like to add to that comment that hasn’t shared yet?” You could also say… “That’s an interesting comment. What do the rest of you think?” If you are teaching children, you could think of a simple game that involves everyone.

You may feel inspired to invite a specific person to share—perhaps because he or she has a perspective that others could benefit from hearing (Make sure this person doesn’t mind being called on).

More straight forward (at the beginning)… “As teachers we are always doing our best to navigate between 2 different tendencies- sometimes no one seems to want to participate (crickets). On the other end of the spectrum, some of you, in an effort to help me keep the ball rolling, will make the majority of the class comments. Navigating these two opposites is tricky and I want to think you all in advance for encouraging me in doing my best in this. Thank you!
How you could play this out is if there’s a lull and no hands are going up, instead of going back to the same person, you could say “Jenny, I’m going to hold off on your comment and I’m going to just wait a minute to see if something’s coming for someone else.”

Be willing to have some awkward silence (not too much, but a little).

From Uctdorf (Teaching the Savior’s Way). Teach Council Highlights

Teaching in the Savior's Way with Elder Uchtdorf

1) Love Those You Teach

Teachers must see each student for the unique child of God that they are. And teachers must speak the universal language of love.

How loving those you teach relates to class participation

Quoting C.S. Lewis, Elder Uchtdorf said “There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal. … it is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub, and exploit — immortal… everlasting splendors.”

As we become attuned to the eternal wonder of each class member, we are more prone to hold a space for *their* inspiration and *their* contribution to the class (Note: This is also why we use “open ended questions”, to make a space for others to feel inspired and to share). Additionally, as you reverence and encourage each person participation and even their presence in your class, he or she will tend to rise to becoming the person you seen and love in him or her.

2) Teach by the Spirit

No teacher’s efforts, as good as they may be, will ever convert a person to Christ. “Only the Holy Ghost can do that,” Elder Uctdorf said. “We don’t have to ‘be’ anything more or less than who we really are — and that is children of God and followers of Jesus Christ. Can you, with rejoicing, express your love for the Savior, His gospel, and His Church? If you do your part, the Spirit will do His. That is the way we ‘teach by the Spirit.”

3) Teach the Doctrine (The Gospel of Jesus Christ)

“As teachers, we must not be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ,” said Elder Uctdorf. “Rather, we must joyfully raise our voices in teaching His doctrine even when it may seem a stumbling block to some and foolishness to others. ‘For it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth’ (Romans 1:16).”

Idols (like fast cars, Facebook “likes”, fame, fortune etc.) are shiny and attractive to the human mind. The doctrine of Christ, unlike idols, are foreign to our human egos and can only be discerned by the power of the spirit. But these doctrines, unlike idols, lead to a higher realm- a realm of faith, which faith stirs us toward repentance and change. This is why we teach “the doctrine.”

Focus on Christ

To focus on the Savior in teaching is to hit the small center of a target, Elder Uchtdorf said. And what is that target? The example Jesus set of loving God and loving others.

“As teachers, we may speak with the tongues of angels; we may entertain, delight, amuse, astound,” Elder Uchtdorf said. “But if we have failed in keeping our focus on Jesus Christ, we have missed the mark and our teaching is only a shadow of what it ought to be. Always keep the focus on our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.”

“If we have failed in keeping our focus on Jesus Christ, we have missed the mark and our teaching is only a shadow of what it ought to be. Always keep the focus on our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.” —Elder Uchtdorf

The reason focusing on Jesus Christ is so important is that He is our only hope. Try as we will, our human frailty seems so permanent!  Only through the grace of God through His Son, so we have a chance at repenting and finding deep happiness.

4) Invite Diligent Learning

“To paraphrase a proverb,” Elder Uchtdorf said, “teach a man the gospel and you have blessed him for a day. Teach a man to feast upon the word of God and connect with the Holy Spirit, and you have blessed him for a lifetime. … Teaching the gospel is important. Teaching others to immerse themselves in prayer, seek the Spirit, and apply what they have learned is at least equally important.”

We get better at straight and narrow as we get **diligent** in our study & prayer habits. The more diligent we are, the **straighter** our path forward. *Don’t start your day until you’ve started your life. This is our message to our classes. Insure your future by solidifying your Gospel habits! (starting Monday morning). Your life will be no better or happier than the strength of Gospel habits.* 

Teaching the Savior’s Way - Ongoing Study

These notes (above) are highlights from “Teaching the Savior’s Way”, Eastlake 8th Ward Teacher Council meetings.

Your ongoing study from “Teaching the Savior’s Way” (click here) will be a powerful resource for insuring a great experience in your calling.