Post-doc at Georgia Institute of Technology


My mentor is Prof. Zhiwu Lin.

Research Interests:

Partial differential equations, Integrable Systems, Mathematical physics

My research interest focuses on  integrable systems and partial differential  equations (PDEs). Precisely, I work on the construction of (generalized) action--angle coordinates, Birkhoff coordinates and explicit expression of solutions of integrable systems. I am also interested in the long time behavior of solutions of PDEs including the wave turbulence phenomena, the nonlinear scattering phenomena, the soliton resolution conjecture, the stability and instability of traveling waves.

Publications and preprints:


2016-2020 : PhD of Mathematics, Université Paris-Saclay

                       Advisor: Patrick Gérard

​2013-2016 : Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris)


Georgia Tech:




Introduction to Microlocal Analysis

Université Paris-Saclay




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