
Super 3

  1. Plan (Beginning)

BEFORE starting your assignment ask yourself:

  1. What is my teacher asking me to do?

  2. If I were to do a really good job, what would that look like?

  3. What do I need to do this job?

2. Do (Middle)

In the MIDDLE, while you're doing the activity. This is where you:




Make a picture

Use the information you've found or been given, etc.

3. Review (End)

Before ENDING the assignment and turning it in, ask yourself:

  1. Did I do what my teacher asked me to do?

  2. Do I feel good about this?

  3. Should I do something else before turning my work in for a grade?

References: (n.d.). The Big6 and Super3.

Free public images used from Pixabay.