Summoner Wars is a battle game that uses mostly cards. Two different armies fight on a 6x8 grid. To win, you need to kill the opponent king - the summoner. Each side starts the game with a predetermined setup - you get a wall, your summoner, and some basic troops. During the game, you can summon more soldiers into the battle by paying magic. New soldiers can only enter the battle on spaces next to the wall. The wall is also important for protecting your soldiers. Every turn up to 3 of your soldiers can move, and then up to 3 of them can attack. Soldiers with ranged attack can shoot up to 3 spaces away. Normally you score a hit if you roll 3 or higher on a die. (as you can see, today Sesame Street is brought to you by the number 3) Most soldiers only have one or two life points. So they die easily. That's a good thing, because your enemy's dead soldiers become your magic points, which you can spend for summoning more of your own troops. You can also place cards from your hand into your magic pool, but every card spent this way means one less soldier, or one less event, or one less wall that you will have, because used cards are never reshuffled.

My wall at the top, my Fighter and Slinger on the sides, and my summoner at the bottom. The big number on the soldiers are the attack value, i.e. how many dice they throw when attacking. The smaller number is the cost to summon. Both Fighters and Slingers can be summoned for free. Sneeks is a summoner and I start the game with it on the board, thus summon cost is not applicable. The icon beside the summon cost tells whether the soldier has ranged attack. 

Summoner Wars Download

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You have a hand of 5 cards, which you always replenish back to 5 at the start of your turn no matter how many you have used on your previous turn. It can be tempting to use them as quickly as possible, but sometimes you need to plan for the tempo of the game. If you use up your deck too quickly but cannot deal significant damage to your opponent's summoner, you will be in trouble. Your deck is a finite resource.

Han let me play the cave goblins, an easier army to play, while he played the dwarves. The cave goblins had many 0-cost-to-summon soldiers, so I could quickly swarm the board. Most had only 1 life point though, i.e. they got killed quite easily. Still, it was handy to have such a big horde. From the start Han played quite defensively, even deploying a wall to slow down my advance. The wall (which was constructed near the middle of the board) also allowed him to summon his soldiers nearer to my area. His dwarven Defenders had the ability to stop engaged (i.e. orthogonally adjacent) enemies from moving, which also slowed down my advance towards his summoner.

I took a risk hoping to end the game quickly by overwhelming Han's summoner - I sent my own summoner to his area to join the attack. My summoner Sneeks' special ability was it could swap places with another cave goblin at the end of my turn. I used this ability to send him into the enemy's territory. Han sent his summoner Oldin running, and it was actually not easy to catch him and injure him, with walls and other dwarves in the way. Sneeks ended up taking more damage than Oldin, and I had to use his special ability again to teleport him back to safety. How embarassing.

Our decks were exhausted sooner than I expected. At first my cave goblins seemed to have a clear advantage, to the point that the game felt a little unbalanced, but I later realised that the dwarves were quite sturdy and were not as easy to overcome as I had thought. The battle became one of attrition, and eventually I managed to defeat Han's summoner because he didn't have as many soldiers remaining on the board.


i think han bought it from overseas. not 100% sure. 

you can try contacting (online retailer in malaysia) to see whether they will be stocking this game. i think they have one batch of games already arrived in KL and is going through customs. not sure whether summoner wars is in there though.


i used to visit manila on business trips in 2007, and often visited hobbes & landes at greenbelt shopping mall, makati. their games are a bit pricey though. hope you'll be able to find a copy of summoner wars and your friends will like it.

The Cloaks is my all time favorite faction. They are among the first ones I got, and they are all about tricksy positioning and fun combos. Best exemplified by their summoner, Vlox, who can copy the ability of any unit you have on the board. Copy the Scrapper, who calls in buddies every time they attack, and suddenly you can launch a canon of tiny annoying units around your enemy from afar. Heck, if you feel daring, you can use this to launch your summoner straight into battle by attacking with another unit first. Copy your backstabbing champion afterwards, and suddenly your gambit might pay off in some serious damage to the enemy. Maybe copy your Thief in the end, and you can teleport Vlox to safety, to your opponents endless frustration. A faction for those who like to play with fire, and also with card effects, and also with flammable card effects.

Summoner Wars is in many ways the card game equivalent of a sliding tile puzzle, and nothing makes that clearer than the Sand Goblins. Their summoner, Krusk, has the ability to conjure up a sandstorm. This means they can choose three units nearby and, one by one, move them a single space. Bonus, it might also deal damage to each! This might not sound like much, but so much of Summoner Wars is blocking off spaces by moving your units tactically, and with Krusk basically having the ability to, at a cost, ignore that makes them a lot of fun to play. They also generally have surprisingly beefy and cheap units, so they are quite straight-forward to play without always needing too much planning. Basically, if you like the sound of The Cloaks, but want something a smidge friendlier, Sand Goblins is your faction.

Summoner Wars puts you in the role of a powerful summoner. Display your tactical prowess by summoning units to your gates, outmaneuvering your opponent, and cutting down the enemy summoner. Countless unit types, a wide variety of spells and abilities, and the option to build your own decks, all make for a game sure to entertain, play after play.

For the uninitiated, Summoner Wars is a two-player competitive card game in which you and your opponent control powerful magic-wielding summoners as they lead their faction in a quick and bloody fight to the death.

The idea of two summoners having a throwdown is an exciting one, of course, and Summoner Wars is not only an original take, but a tremendously adaptable and varied one - worth mentioning, by the way, that this is based on a boardgame. It's for two players and set on a grid-based battlefield; you take turns to summon creatures, move them, and attack. The summoners are also present and each has their own role; some like to get into the action and destroy minions, while others depend on hanging back in kind of super-support roles.

Veterans of HeroQuest may notice some similarities in how matches play out, but Summoner Wars doesn't quite work like any antecedent. Turns are divided into various phases; you build magic, summon creatures, then move them around and attack. But the real strength of Summoner Wars is in how different the armies are - the abilities are asymmetric, so you might end up with an army that depends on sneak attacks up against one that can hold off enemies at a distance. I have a bit of a penchant for the undead lot, Fallen Kingdom, whose summoner is able to sacrifice health to bring down the cost of super-powered creatures, as well as 'resurrect' dead units. Each army's abilities aren't just a little buff but the basis for how they play, informing every single decision.

Summoner Wars (Second Edition) is a 2 player game that is a remake of the previously released game of the same title where players summon various creatures represented by cards to a simple tactical board to battle to the death. From here these creatures maneuver around and attack, with the eventual goal of trying to take out the enemy summoner. Players manage a very limited deck, mana pool, and units as the game drives them towards the inevitable end of only one victor.

From the beginning, players will have their deck of cards, and while the game comes with preconstructed race/faction decks, you have the ability to make your own deck out of the cards. From here, players take opposite sides of a board where they set up their starting summoner, a summon gate and a unit or two. Naturally a battle to the death is the only result of entering this 1v1 pit.

Base decks in summoner wars have synergy, that is cards try to work with each other to work a cohesive strategy, and that is perfect. However I feel deckbuild optimal lists, are about one or two specific combinations beyond a point that trumps everything else, maybe even over other sinergies within the deck. Basically while base decks feel like a collection of sinergystic cards working towards a common goal, Deckbuild decks of today feel decks centered about one or two cards that create some explosive/overeficient combinations and the rest of the deck working as pawns to support these explosive combinations.

At this point i felt deckbuilding went to insanity.

I understand why this happend. Deckbuilding additions really added to the balance of the game, really a lot of the weaker summoners got the tools to compete with the big guys..sadly some of the big guys got the tools to be godlike.

I enjoy base decks summoner wars, but it has a problem. Now the balance is really problematic. Some base decks are notoriously stronger than other decks. And this is just talking about 2nd summoners and Alliances.

Once you involve First summoners, the whole balance is just frustrating.

To make matters worse, some decks still try and stumble to make their own mechanics work.

Even when you ignore second summoners, many summoners feel off, and worse most if not all summoners have cards, be either events, commons or champions that feel out of place or useless. e24fc04721

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