Mini symposia

The mini symposia will take place from Wednesday to Friday. The list of abstracts can be found here.

Mini Symposium 1: Heterogeneous cell populations

  • Jules Guilberteau, Sorbonne Université

Long-time behavior of a phenotype-structured PDE with advection and non-local growth

  • Emma Leschiera, Sorbonne Université

Mathematical modelling of the CD8+T cell immune response to heterogeneous tumours

  • Mathieu Mezache, Institut Mathématiques de Marseille, CNRS

A bi-monomeric polymerisation/depolymerisation model to capture the oscillatory kinetics in prion dynamics.

Mini Symposium 2: Cell proliferation

  • Valeria Caliaro, Sorbonne Université

A 2D hybrid agent-based/continuum model for the regeneration of axolotl spinal cord

  • Mete Demircigil, Université Lyon 1

Aerotactic Waves in Dictyostelium discoideum : When Self-Generated Gradients engage with Expansion by Cell Division.

  • Sophie HECHT, INRIA Paris

On the modelling of the morphogenesis of bacteria micro-colony

Mini Symposium 3: Kinetic approaches in biological systems

  • Maria Caceres, University of Granada

The blow-up phenomenon and the “plateau” states for Nonlinear Noisy Leaky Integrate and Fire Neuronal Models

  • Michael Fischer, University of Vienna

Performance fluctuation in the ELO Rating, a kinetic approach

  • Maxime Herda, Inria Lille-Nord Europe

A Fokker-Planck approach to the study of robustness in gene expression

  • Hugo Martin, Inserm Unit 900, Institut Curie

Periodic asymptotic dynamics of the measure solutions to a growth-fragmentation equation in a critical case

Mini Symposium 4: Interacting systems

  • Cecilia Berardo, Helsinki University

Coevolution of a patient predator and its reckless prey

  • Samuel Bernard, University Claude Bernard, Lyon

Multiscale approaches for clock-driven cell population dynamics

  • Vasiliki Bitsouni, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Stationary aggregation and travelling wave patterns in heterogeneous cancer cell populations

Mini Symposium 5: Chemotaxis and collective cell behavior

  • Gissell Estrada Rodriguez, Sorbonne University

Treatment-induced shrinking of tumour aggregates.

  • Markus Schmidtchen, Technical University Dresden

On the Incompressible Limit for a Tumour Growth Model Incorporating Convective Effects

  • Ariane Trescases, Institut de mathématiques de Toulouse

Models for chemotaxis with local sensing

  • Havva Yoldaş, Institut Camille Jordan, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1

Long-time behaviour of the run and tumble equation for chemotaxis

Mini Symposium 6: Collective dynamics

  • Pierre DEGOND, CNRS & Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse

Collective dynamics and topology

  • Amic Frouvelle, Dauphine University Paris

Rigid body alignment : phase transition and links with quaternions and rodlike polymer suspensions.

  • Laura Kanzler, Sorbonne Université

Kinetic Modelling of Colonies of Myxobacteria