7th Grade


Directions to join KHAN CLASSES

All assignments were assigned through your current math teacher in khanacademy.

Click on notifications to see the new assignments.


Directions to join KHAN CLASSES

  1. Kahnacademy.org

  2. Go to the top right. Hopefully your name is there. Click on it.

  3. Go under “Teacher dashboard”

  4. Click on “classes” on left.

  5. Over on the right, click on “Add new class”

  6. Easiest way is to add from Google Classroom. You will have to do each class separately.

  7. It will ask you to add the courses to your class. Under “Arts & humanities” I added GRAMMAR. Under “ELA beta” I added 7th GRADE READING. (Don’t add 6th grade reading….that is for the new 6th graders.)

  8. Emails will be sent to your students, so make sure to post in your Google Classroom that it is for the summer.

If your students can’t access their name for some reason, they can always join the class using a code. Find the code by clicking on the class you imported from Google Classroom. On the left, go to “settings.” The class code will be there.