Sumit Sinha

Hi! I am a Postdoctoral researcher in Harvard SEAS (Applied Mathematics) and Dana Farber Cancer Institute (Data Science), working with Prof. Lakshminarayanan Mahadevan and Prof. Cheng Zhong Zhang respectively. Broadly, I am interested in developing theoretical models to answer biophysical problems at various length and time scales. My current research problems are based on Cancer, Evolution, Spatial Transcriptomics, and Active Matter. I am also interested in Genome Folding, Nucleosomes, and Molecular Motors though I am not actively working on these topics.

Previously, I was a PhD student in the Department of Physics at UT Austin, where I was advised by Prof. Dave Thirumalai. My thesis, 'Theoretical and computational studies of growing tissues', dealt with non-equilibrium statistical and many-body physics of evolving tissues which play an important role in tumorigenesis and embryogenesis .

Prior to this, I pursued my undergraduate degree in Physics at IIT Kanpur, India. For my Masters Project, I worked on problems related to Molecular Motors under the supervision of Prof. Debashish Chowdhury.