Stores employee data, has a special search page to search for an employee and gives the result in a table, and has a sign-in page as a security feature so that only authorized people can access the employee data


Can convert different kinds of units to almost any type of unit and also stores the result of the conversions performed in a database which can be viewed using the history feature.

It creates a login System with a database to store User-Id and Password and has features like forgot password and creates a session each time you logged in and takes you to the welcome page.

Html Projects

A website created for my College for the CSE-AIML branch of engineering for students, parents, and teachers to use so that they can access/Upload resources/notifications on the website.

UX Projects

A website design for a cafe and food Chain for users to order food and beverages and browse through different services provided by the company

A mobile app prototype for a Caffe Using which users can order food and beverages.

A mobile app prototype for a company trying to solve the Zero hunger resolution from the 19 SDGs of the UN

Languages Projects

A JAVA program to Maintain the warehouse and can also make a bill for customers. It has features like auto-updates stock when a user buy something. and stores the number and amount of sales done.

A Python GUI program in which you enter the city, and it will show you the current weather condition of that city. It uses an Open weather API to get the live weather details

A Python Program with a knowledge base to suggest a nutritional intake according to BMR calculated by the user inputs and then suggest a diet plan according to the user’s eating preference.

Flowchart Drawer

A Python program that takes the Exce and makes a JSON file which then is uploaded to a SQLite3 database from which the program takes the data and makes a flowchart with appropriate data in a pdf format

A Python program that Automatically converts links to QR codes using the qrcode library