"The Truth is worth sacrificing everything." - Swami Vivekananda

I am a PhD candidate at the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics of the University of Chicago.  

My research interest is in microeconomic theory, in particular, mechanism design, information design and strategic communication. 

I will be joining the Department of Economics at Cornell University as an Assistant Professor in Fall 2025. Before that I will be in a post-doc position at the Institute for Microeconomics at the University of Bonn, Germany for a year, staring Fall 2024.

My job market paper (Presented at ACM EC '23, Extended Abstract, Invited talk at VSET, Theory@Penn State ) asks: 

How to optimally design tests to screen knowledge?

I also have a secondary interest in experimental economics.

My CV is here.
Email: sulagna@uchicago.edu
